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  • Haha, I'll admit they're a bit more LGBT Club-looking than OS-looking, but I think they're based off my scarf, which people like drawming, so it kind of stuck XD

    Also, I've just realized I didn't reply to your last message, for which I'm very sorry, and I would like to take this oppurtunity to say YES. Joss Whedon is AMAZING and I love his works (most of 'em) very much. Serenity is great (albeit depressing; you should watch thing whole thing and then I can complain to you about it) and I'm so glad they got to give Firefly some kind of conclusion.

    If you get the chance to watch more Buffy, you definitely should - it's probably my favourite TV show of all time, but I couldn't tell you when it airs. I only started watching it last year, borrowing my friend's DVDs, and then I bought the big DVD boxset for myself because I wanted to be able to watch it all anytime :D

    Comic-Con sounds absolutely insane. American anime cons sound absolutely huge. The biggest one in the UK (I think) is the London Expo which has a fraction of the people who go to the big US ones. But you'll be able to go next year?
    I know, I was considering getting one. :3 (Also wtf didn't see your previous vm) HER NAME ISH PANCAKE. *Huggles Pancake*

    I was going to ask you if you wanna team up with Blazhy and take on Kam and I.
    As for the WEP key, look at whatever provides your internet, my WEP key is on the back of my router.
    Hey, I just found a guide to setting up Nintendo WFC inside my HeartGold case. See if it's there in yours.
    ...I dunno either. But try this: Save the gamw, turn it off, go to the main menu and select the WiFi settings. Then, search for a wireless connection. Tell me what happens after that.
    How do you mean set up WiFi? Connecting the DS to it or setting up broadband/a router?

    Yup. I'll ask you first before I go in.
    ...Go to a pokemon centre and take the elevator down. An assistant named Tanya or something will give you your Pal Pad. Open up your bag, go to key items and use the Pal Pad. There's a button that says "insert your name"'s friend code. Press it and write it down on a piece of paper. Then register this code uner the name Kai:

    3352 6445 0372

    And then give me your code.

    BTW, I'm using my DSi for internet and HG so once I go into the WiFi room I'll be there for 5 minutes so make sure you get it right.

    I'm nervous about talking to Typh via WiFi. X3
    Go to the bottom floor of any pokemon centre, get a pal pad, use it, write the code down. Simples.

    But then there's setting up your DS to WiFi in general. That'll be harder.

    I like to make people double-take is all

    But then I told some guy on Omegle that and he told me to get a life. :S
    Ah, I see. Well, why not just ask if she's up for an un-srs RP, and if she says yes, then go on to tell her about our sandbox.
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