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  • Well, You'd get a free "Upgrade" which would fit the automail to the new form. Basically, it's like "POOF! Bigger automail"

    ...But if you wait a sec, I'm going to be upgrading my shop and you can upgrade your metal limb with something cool.

    Up to you though.
    Yup. Feuerente is now on my team. And she's pregnant. Well, she's had the egg but it's not hatched. I had this amazing idea for the webcomic where we're infiltrating the Team Rocket underground and we've just passed the rival and we're figuring out the circuitboards and someone's like "finally lets get moving before something else happens" and then I'm like "OH GOD SHE'S HAVING THE BABY AAAAA!"

    Feuerente is a gurl.
    Hey Typh, you mind partnering with me for the four-way battle? Oreo and Blazhy want to team up with each other, and you know my battling style pretty well.

    Also, did you ever notice how saying XDDD makes no sense whatsoever?
    Yess, Neil Patrick Harris' singing is utterly fantastic. I don't really like HIMYM (which is weird because both he and Alyson Hannigan, who I also adore, are both in it), but there's a scene with him singing about suits and stuff, and oh, it made my LIFE :D

    Aww, I bet you were adorable as Magneto :3 I've dressed as a misc. member of Team Magma (the hoodie they wear is so great), Maya from PW and Vincent from FFVII. I can't be Vincent of Maya anymore, though, because I don't have long hair ):

    Okay, I'll keep an eye out for it!

    Haha, I have that same thing about actors playing different roles, too! Except I have a weird condition where, when I see someone in a role for the first time, that's it. For the restof time, they are that character to me. Even the actor, in my head, has the same personality as the character. To use your Jack Bauer example, it scared the hell out of me to see him as a gothic vampire in The Lost Boys, and a punky teenager in Stand By Me XDD

    Aaah, but The West Wing's the best for actors who've been in lots of things - Dule Hill (Charlie) is in Psych, isn't he? The President in TWW is played by Martin Sheen, who's a ridiculously famous actor (he was the main character in Apocalypse Now), but I've never actually seen him in anything else, so he'll always be the awesome-but-dorky fictional President of the United States to me <3 I'm really glad you like it, though; I got the DVD set for Christmas and it's definitely one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. I love CJ <3

    But House is the absolute worst for this. Most of the Clinic Patients of the Week have been actors in other things, and it drives me nuts trying to figure out where I've seen an actor in a film or TV show, before realizing they were in an episode of House - I had this most recently with Emma from Glee, who was the woman with insomnia who stole her girlfriend's kidney. No, really.
    Hey, if nothing else, at least you draw. I haven't drawn anything except crappy doodles over my lecture notes in months, and it's depressing ): Hopefully I'll get back into drawing over the summer, but at the moment I'm just so, so busy with other stuff I don't have time x.x

    I really like Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog; I love the music and the dialoge is hilarious and very Whedon-esque, but the idea (even in an ironic way) the main plto was two guys fighting over a "perfect" girl who ends up getting killed was pretty shocking, especially given Whedon's a self-proclaimed feminist. It didn't ruin the whole thing for me (even I get that there's more to life than feminism) but I was extremely surprised because it was the last thing I was suspecting in something written by Joss.

    And, uh, yep, the end of Serenity's pretty depressing. I actually saw Serenity before I watched Firefly and so wasn't as attached to the characters as I would've been otherwise, but it was very sad and pretty sudden. I did see it coming, though. I'd explain more, but I don't want to spoil any more than TVTropes might've done :p

    Aaah, I've heard of LOGO (we have totally different channels over here); shame you don't have it ): I don't have a TV most of the time, so I just buy DVDs of stuff; it's more expensive, but I don't have to sit through ad breaks, I don't have to wait from one week to another to see what happens (I am so terrible with cliffhangers), and I can rewatch it any time I want :D

    Did you cosplay when you went to the NY con? I haven't cosplayed much in recent years but it's great fun, especially if you have geeky friends to cosplay with (though a couple of my friend who I used to geeky-cosplay with are now a bit "cosplaying is serious business and my costume must be perfect" and that's just less fun).

    Oh, I know what you mean about guest stars; I want to build a time machine so I can go back to 2005 when the cast of Buffy (including Amber Benson, who I love beyond all rationality) came and did an interview and things at the London Expo. The cast of 24 were there the year before that, too. Last time I went, some of the people from Heroes were there, but I wasn't too fussed about that.

    Shame the tickets cost a lot, though; the London Expo's £10 (though lots of people just show up and hang around chatting outside, which is still great fun), but I live a while away from London, so I have to pay more for transport and stuff. Another con I got to is £35, but that's for four days, so it's actually really cheap.

    Ooh, is Burn Notice good? I haven't seen it, but since finishing The West Wing (SO good!) I'm on the lookout for a new TV show. :D

    (long reply is long)
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