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  • Do I draw? All I usualy do is draw! I love to create what I see in my mind on a sheet of paper. It's one of the things I derive a lot of pleasure from. I drew my driken avatars.
    So, yeah. I'm an avid artist. I wish I could show you some of my work though.
    I d like that most of Jameses Pokemon try to eat or hurt him in some way. Random violence will definatly draw me in. :D
    Speaking of draw, have you heard of an unreleased game called scribblenauts?
    *is glomped* Well it could be worse, at least I'm not James and you're not my Cacnea. Why, oh why did they hve to mutilate the anime? It's so focus on the younger audience now that it's origianl charm has been lost. *shakes fist in the air* DARN YOU KID WB!! OR WHO EVER TURNED THE ANIME INTO A DORA THE EXPLORA-ESC SHOW!!
    Nice to know that somebody understands how I feel, like a fourteen-year-old stuck in a ten-year-olds body. :)
    I watched House the other night! I really like that show, House is so blatantly rude that it's funny. XD
    I watched the one about the women who's liver was failing, among other things, and it turned out that she had the black plauge. Darn those fleas, spreading desiese and strife... And itchyness.
    At school I'm quite famouse (or infamouse, however way you look at it) For being a total unknown. I don't really talk unless I'm around trusted friends or angry. Nobody really knows who I am and thats the way I keep it. As such I'm usualy the center of gossip concerning slitting wrists and murder. Yeah, I don't like my immature classmates a lot.
    HOLY CRAP THEY DID SELL MEW STAMPS!! I wonder if it was some sort of promotion for a movie...
    Anyways... Where did you get "Random Typhoon" from? Did you you make it up?
    A the idiot who got hit by a car trying to steal it to escape school, no doubt.
    Oh, it's a little better. In the mornings when I have to go out to the bus, it's like 20 degrees still, though. Brr!
    Well, the locals here tend to speak very nackerishly (If that makes sense.) I can't really describe 'em. >.< Try to imagine locals who regenerate sentences such as 'C'mere I want ya!' and 'I'll tell ma motha on you!' but in a much ruder accent. Thankfully I speak with a much civil one, or so people tell me.
    Practically prehistoric when compared to other places such as Britain or the U.S With a population of 80,000 + my home which is called Limerick has a bad reputation due to crime. I recommend you stay away from the county...
    Well, if it helps they are aged between 13-15.
    And I'm from a place known as the emerald isle of Europe, Ireland! x3
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