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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • If you get anywhere near me I will systematically rip you apart and feed you to wolves.
    Poke him! Doitdoitdoitdoit!
    That's the Black Adder's, actually. And you forgot the last bit:

    Black, his gloves of finest mole,
    Black, his codpiece made of metal
    His horse is blacker than a vole
    His pot is blacker than his kettle.

    Blackadder, Blackadder,
    With many a cunning plan,
    Blackadder, Blackadder,
    You horrid little man!
    Okay... Suit yourself, then. *grabs everyone and warps away*
    xD That's OK, we're both sad little freaks. Earlier this evening I recited the Tweety theme song, and I'm not sure I ever watched whatever cartoon Tweety is in. :3
    Nope. :3 And I didn't think it was crap so much because I wouldn't be any good at it, but crap because it's just excessively sad and pointless.
    Okay, great, CAN WE GO NOW? And please do something with my remains.
    Sure. *throws a lighted match out the window*
    Well, there goes the whole ground in a 50-foot radius.
    BOOM! rumblerumblerumblerumble..
    ...And the building's foundation..
    I've been thinking about buying an ocarina and learning to play all the songs from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to see if they work. But it recently occurred to me what a crap idea that was. :D
    Wow, you guys are certainly indifferent about my demise. Anyone got a Phoenix Down? I prefered being alive.
    Nope. Can't you buy those on the black market? :DD
    Really? How would that fit inside him?
    For anyone who cares to know, I've been here this whole time. And now I believe I'm dead. Thanks a lot.
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