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  • Well, don't let her watch it. :3

    And yes, sometimes. It's almost like the British version of South Park in a way.
    You'd be umm... the one really tall Phoonchaun?

    Or I could be a leprichaun~ I'm really short for my age. I'm only 5 feet! And you can be Meerphoon? And I can be Lettprichaun~
    Meerlett~ I'd be the BEST DAMN MEERKAT. Queen of Meerlettopia~ And I'd have a crown.

    And maybe you could be in it too! You could be a leprichaun or something!
    My brain is a very O_Oworthy place~

    But thank you~

    Ooooh, what shall be the name of this movie? EPIC MEERKAT INVASION? Ooh, can I be an actor in addition to a writer? Or a director? I want to be MEERKAT #54504!
    What if there was not only an army of meerkats, but also at the same time, LEPRICHAUNS? And they come in, showering the meerkats with gold and rainbows, flying around on giant bloated bears with wings.
    I don't think they're usually that bad ;=( Depends what you're watching, I suppose, but most of it's naughty at best. :)
    Aaaah~ Well that's still pretty awesome. I mean like... Random Thoughts? Who wouldn't want a random thought or daydream? Like of a GIANT LOBSTER DANCING AROUND IN A TUTU!

    ...Geez, my thoughts are odd.
    Nah, I don't live in New Jersey anymore. I meant that's where I was born~ I moved a few years ago to where I am now. I am from there though, according to the people where I am now.

    Hmm... that is a problem... no JD wig... maybe you can uh... use your magical powers to make a JD illusion around yourself which makes you look like him?
    I'm more like Elliot~ Neurotic and odd like her. And spazzy! I am quite spazzy. I'm just not blond like her, which is why I suggested dressing up like Carla, since I resemble her more. I can even speak SPANISH! That'll fool them~

    Wow... I'm from New Jersey too! Ahaha~

    I'm glad you like it! ;;Grabs Carla disguise;; It shall be most awesomenocity.
    Make him bald then, you can say Blackadder set it on fire or something. Or, you know, don't be disgracefully lazy, whatever works. :D
    Okay, great, now let's GO. If Voli kicks the bucket, I'm going down too.
    I wuv you, daddy..-.- Zzz..
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