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  • Ooooh! How about the plan to annoy him... you dress up like JD and distract him with a looong WEIRD JD RAMBLE... And then I'll sneak behind him, dressed as Carla, and BONK him on the head with KNIIIIIFFFFEWREEENCH! And sing about Knifewrench. Then we can tap-dance out of the hospital as everyone stares at us weirdly~

    The above is a result of extreme sleep deprivation.
    Uh, I'm a ghost, you realize. I don't think I physically need to be holding her.. *drops Voli, who floats*
    Oh sweet!
    Aw.. okay. That would've been fun.
    zzz.. are my toes still... z.. attached..?
    Oh my God... THE Janitor's signature? That must be one AWESOME Knifewrench... it is the Knifewrench to end all Knifewrenches!

    I'd kill for one of those Knifewrenches~ That would be AWESOME.

    Yaaay~ Season 2~ ;;Hugs back;; Whoo, BIRTHDAY HUG! =3
    I really liked your gift~! Ahaha. KNIFEWRENCH~! I will... oh I will... ;;Grins evilly;; Maybe if Zora and I ever get into a fight again...

    That knifewrench could come very in handy...
    I knew that, everyone does. Mine is just never seen ever. Moving on.. where the carp is House? And... oh.my.God.
    A little while ago. Voli freakin' blew up the hospital he was in. We're all screwed.
    Uh, okay. Er.. come on, buffalos. N-nice buffalos. Just, uh.. don't trample us now.. *gulp*
    *Voli is hit by a meteor*
    Crap. *sigh*
    Huh...? You lost me there. But okay! *whistles*
    *giant herd of buffalos stampedes and tramples Voli*
    Well.. here's our ride.... *thunk*
    *sigh* Man down. Again.
    What about real Voli, now? I'm real! *pouts*
    Er.. now that you mention it..
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