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  • Haha, it'll probably be some time. My break just ended D:

    Wow, long indeed. :0 But this'll give me more to work with! Are you planning to add any new characters, though? Because I may mess around with my OC's personality based on who jumps in.

    BTW I just got a Shaymin egg on GPX+ agsyufha

    And a new book

    That I've read

    But it's the best series ever so
    :c It would've been cool (maybe) to turn on the TV and say to my parents "I MET THAT GIRL ON THE INTERNET 8D"

    I prefer to get out of school in the afternoon, actually.

    I dunno, I'll have to ask. But then I'd have to tell my mom I went to the counselor, and she's absolutely terrified of suicide, so if I told I wanted to commit it, well.
    I'll try. I'm not sure when I can due to my schedool, but.

    Neat! Which show/channel? If it's local news, guess I can't watch. ;c
    Well, I was nervous today.

    ...I'll go tomorrow.

    I do have Skills class, though; in it we talk about things and debate and stuff, so.
    I- I can't make OCs on the fly DDD: I always take a loooooong time designing them.

    Oh, if only I had such ideas. I could write all day! xD;
    We totally should. Though you might have to explain a lot of their personalities and such so I don't get lost :P
    Did I mention I may also get an ASB account soon?

    -Hatch shiny Caterpie
    -Get ASB account
    -Beat SoulSilver
    -Commit suicide
    -Achieve global domination
    So if you want one of them to be shiny, you can just say so? =o

    'cause on GPX+ I'm trying to get a shiny Caterpie, and I want one in ASB too
    I dunno, probably some trying-to-be-cool intellectual character who always analyzes the situation first before doing anything, and then getting all flustered and stuff when people charge headfirst into stuff. Uryuu from Bleach comes to mind, but... OCtiem? :0
    Oh God I totally support this :'D That just made me grin very widely.

    Then again, Al's heavy clanking what with him being a suit of armour would probably alert the dude.
    Our schools seem to differ a lot.

    :0 Fan mangas! ...Are those doujinshi I've never been clear on the actual definition...
    THAT ASIDE. I support Alphonse~
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