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  • One man is not an army, Typh.

    Kais think that Rural areas are quite nice too, for your reasons and more.

    Ah right. Is the game fangasmic?
    Also, have Typh got WiFi?
    You're playing T&T too? I'm on the last case. I love replaying them. My sister has the new game Ace Attorney Investigations, but she won't let me play it until her roommate is done with it. You'd think that blood relative goes over roommate, right? D:

    And yes McNab is totally Gumshoe or vice versa.

    And which contradiction?
    No, he doesn't! Well, at least his toes haven't watched pron. They're still innocent.

    Yeah well, you gotta learn about .hackGU and ToS and Okami and- *shot*
    Nah not really.
    We weren't doing it very well but

    AND BLAZHY WHAT WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN D:< And what the heck are you guys talking about do I even wanna know
    Oh, Mike's older than the both of us. I'm sure he's seen porn before- *SHOT*

    Well, maybe you're my fraternal twin.
    Fluffy, innocent toes.

    Holy crap Typh are you my twin? I've been around 5'4" since I was twelve and I haven't grown since.
    I still feel really short though, 'cuz all my classmates are nearing six feet and I'm all ;~; since I was the tallest in grade 7.
    I plan on making a thread on the tCoD Sniper someday. Probably in the insanity forums.
    And it looks like he struck again.

    Well, Kais are natiive to towns so seeing huge cities, even like Bath (which is where kai was born and kai pretty much knows from being there so many times) are like wowzerz.

    °_° tmi?

    Wow, uh, thanks for the advice Typh! I'll try and talk to her about it a bit tomorrow at breaktime. She hangs round the same place me and all of my friends hang out at; the Pond.

    I was thinking the same thing. But if I can grow some balls and ask someone out I'm sure that you wait no i'd best stop there before the tcod sniper *shoot*s me.
    Kai could be an assassin. An assassin with a hat. Yes. Maybe we should get Mike in here.

    Uhh... 5 feet to 5 feet nine inches, I think.
    Y'know, I'm quite proud of myself. I managed to retain my laughter for somewhere between 3 and 6 seconds upon reading that. XD
    I was half expecting iconplz of some kind to be underneath the message. Ah well.

    Truth is, I'm seriously busy with my music exam coming up very very quickly and I've not got any time to go out with her until about 3 weeks away. I suck at this, don't I?
    Oh, no, I probably won't include the sugar part. I'll probably just take the 'sucks at socializing' and 'hates to lose' parts.

    Orly? :0 Aaa this sounds like it'll turn out awesome.
    Ed will still be short though righ- *punched*


    Well, that depends on what you're about to post.

    Ach, I'm going to be real busy over summer, what with exams and all. Plus it's been a long time since I RP'd. So I may not be able to or want to, but It's too early to say.
    Ooo, perhaps I'd have a blank-ish character that's kind of like L! I think that'd work pretty well. :0 Also genderbend - haven't tried before, but I draw girly men and manly girls anyway so! Yeah I don't know how but my people usually end up looking like both genders

    Ah, 'm listening to the ToS OST.
    Oh, yes, Uryuu. I was planning to make an OC that acted like Uryuu, but that'd sorta be copying so...! Yes, I'll use two characters.
    Thing is, now I need to think of another personality that'll go well/conflict amusingly with the others...

    You planned out your team, yet? *typhlosiontyphlosiontyphlosion*
    I'm not one for balancing a lot of characters, so I think I'll stick with one. You can bet that he/she'll have glasses~ And uh, I haven't written anything longer than a one-shot and I haven't RP'd in ages, so I can't guarantee I'll do well...!

    Oh... God. Seriously? ;~; Lucky! I was supposed to get mine with Dragon on the release date, but she was sick.
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