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  • I would've voted for the drunken grass goat if there wasn't awesome stuff like Drasarkr and that lightning humming bird and Caslot and Josuche (did I spell that right) and aaaa too much to choose from

    Oh, I've never actually gotten close to a llama before. :0 How was it? Did it drool on you?

    Boom, headshot!
    Al: D:
    Which is why I'm eager for Kratos to submit her Fakemon. Ventorm, do want! :'3 Also moss llama reminded me of moss octopus. Don't ask.
    Un-srsface Typh gogogo!

    Oh, no, I meant reffing. :P
    Ah, designs, I see. They're amazing if they're done well, but otherwise, I kind of want to facepalm. We need no more generic bee-things, thanks very much. *hugs Beedrill*

    On another note, FFFUUUUU- there are so many challenges on the challenge board, but not a single one suits me! They're either fought out by newbs who don't quite know what they're doing, or they're double/tag battles which I've already had enough of reffing, or the arena is uber-complex. ;~;
    But you only need to use it once, yes? xP Because afterwards you've won the game.
    (oh and I just lost The Game)

    Ah, I'm actually not very fond of Fakemon. :/ Probably because I just find their base stats and movesets harder to look through.
    Sig moves = epic! :> You get a backstory, something fun to write, and an epic technique all at once. What's not to like?
    Aw, there goes the Feebas I was eying. Oh, well. I can buy myself another.

    Well, at least you base your Pokemon off of stuff. I just go "hurr I liek dis one" and then create an utterly random tactic/story for it afterwards.
    Exactly. But everyone in my class is, for some reason, nearing six feet, I think! Which is horrible, because they tower over me, and just two years back I towered over them.
    OTL I'm taller than that. Jesus people stop saying I'm short I'm of average height damnit! *shakes fist*

    I go "Don't call me short! >:|" and swat at them playfully. But if I could use alchemy to pwn them, I would!
    Oh, okay. That's better. xD

    Damnit why is everyone taller than me? Today my friend just told me that I reminded him of Edward Elric.
    Oh uh... *sucks at conversion*

    I always thought of Al as a super-tall monster-metal-suit-thing. So to be honest 6'7" seems a bit short o.O
    Nope, HGSS comes out tomorrow in the UK so I'm going into town with Black Hood and buying it. I'm getting HG while he's getting SS.
    I'm done with T&T and moving on to Apollo Justice. :]

    ! Well if it's in the summer, then I'm all in. :D I usually never have anything to do in the summer anyway. I would totaly try Shawn, but I don't know if I could do him justice. Hmm... We'll see I guess. :3

    My friend Devon totally got a Lapras tatoo on his ankle. xD it looks pretty badass though.

    Oh and a few more weeks and I be home! Do you get out in June?
    I can't wait to cycle with my Pokewalker. I must have cycled for at least 20 mins yesterday so i smell easy levellings.

    Yeah, I know. Hence the quotations around the eats. xD
    I never knew the reason why Ed ate so much o.O I thought it was just for the lulz. Though that makes sense.
    Thirteen!Typh was awesome >: Thirteen!Twiggy was worse than a three year old, like, transcending age style. In the bad way.

    o: soul silveeeeeeeer
    ....hnnggg I might just import the Japanese version though when I actually have money in the first place for it fuck voltorb flip arghhhhhhhhh- just learn it as I gooooo. Then I can claim Pokémon taught me something too.
    Yes, stomach! Big stomach! Come to think of it, Al has the potential to have a huge stomach, since he 'eats' whatever he puts in his suit, amiright? So stomach = fills entire suit?

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