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  • To tell the truth, I'd be worried if I was in your situation, but think of it this way. I don't think the hospital would let your uncle out if they thought the damage was very serious, right?
    Fff I must've lost the tab with our conversation when my computer froze. Sorry I didn't reply D:

    Wait... So how did you guys find out that he had three pre-heard attacks? It had to do with his kidneys, right? If they're functioning better, then I don't think you have to worry as much, but you should still keep your eyes open.

    ....hnnggg halp can't breath laughing too much neep-

    ....fffwat? Why would- ...nnnggggggg D:
    ........also I have an R4 I have no excuse to not have played any of the PW games. TWEWY too. But hng I never get a time where I want to sit down with my DS any more. >:
    Kupo!~ <: That's really good to hear~ *Huggle*

    ....I hope I didn't come across as too much of a jerk.. It's such a terrible habit to sort of just.. stop talking when I get freaked.. >:

    -...Also o: I'm not the only one who hasn't played a PW game?!... wait... Now I am- fffffff
    Oh darn. See, I wanna get SAM off the ground. I finished the website badge, though.

    Yeah, I guess.

    When ever I try to put on a >:( face, my eyes get all big and I look retarded.

    Like I said, the only thing fueling my life is all the family and what little friends I have. I guess it doesn't help that I never got to meet either of my grandpas before they died, or that the best pet I had (a lovebird) ran away.
    But ignoring them is so hard when you want to just scream and jump out a window, or grab a stapler and end it all! Hell, this ugly-ass kid in my math class is the main guy! He punched me in the stomach and called me a freak once, and I nearly got into a fight with him! It took like five of our friends/closer peers just to break it up!

    Actually, adults help. They don't know the tormenting that goes on, but they do know of my behavior. We've been working to fix it, and my English teacher even says I have some the best writing skills she's seen, but it doesn't help!

    Well, almost all of my friends are only people from TCoD and PokeBeach, and almost everyone in real life I know, thinks I'm some kind of a freak.
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