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The Omskivar
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  • ... That sounds perfect let's do it

    You can "punch" Gundam repeatedly while Mindwalking! (Your metaphor for that was hilarious, by the way.) Buuut yeah, not thinking that should work. Squirtles already mind-controlled one of them but that was something he just did and I think that was edging on godmodding so

    How does Katie see when Mindwalking? She can probably see through the mirage and see the hamsters transformed, since it's just a visual illusion
    Friendly waiters are better, but still kind of intimidating. They're also, unfortunately, few and far between.

    I find it sucks even more when you have to ask in a busy street; you have to walk up to them /and/ they're probably in a rush to get somewhere and aaa I'm sorry for inconveniencing you?
    Now that would be interesting. I don't think it would, no. He's pretty virulent, but infecting ghosts is a little out of his reach. And really, talking to a ghost? I doubt it would freak him out. If anything he'd just be glad of the company.
    She can probably pick up the gist of why he's so aggressive though, if she has any basic understanding of psychology. A lot of his behaviors are defensive mechanisms. The theory being that keeping people away is the best way of making sure he can't hurt anyone.

    Don't suppose she can develop some kind of force-field or barrier tech?
    Nice character for Black Moon. With those powers, actually, she'd likely see through mine pretty damn fast. Would you be open to exploring some plot potential with that? I have no idea how Katie would use it, abusively or more therapeutically, but it would be interesting to explore. And apparently she has a better immune system than most?
    I dunno, I suppose they're scared, but I'm scared of strangers to the point of being afraid of cashiers so it's just ughhh I feel like I'm /more/ scared
    Welp, going into uni this year, so let's hope it goes well. ... ugh, new things. I hate new environments and new people, so intimidating D:
    Sorry for the late reply! But because whenever he comes over, I always get in trouble for something totally stupid because he and I don't get along. I actually tried to go to bed, but like 15 minutes later, I got yelled at because I forgot to buy ice cream when I went grocery shopping :/ But oh well! :)
    That is so touching, I think Sir Cephalopod shed a tear

    Blah, I think I should learn from you. That's certainly a lesson I need to remember.
    That's really nice of you!! I hope you finish it on time, but that sounds like a great gift!

    And I am fantabulous!!! I am in a greattt mood! :D Except I am sleepy, but I don't want to go to bed yet. My evil step-dad is coming soon, and I know that he will wake me up anyways. XP
    Okay! Well John Green is a GREAT author! I have only read two of his books, but one of my friends is letting me borrow a different book of his soon, so I am excited. Anyways, how are you? :)
    Okay, this is totally random, but have you read anything by John Green???? :D Because I noticed that your user title is a quote from one of his books!!!!! :D
    megameganium and megayanmega will be the actual rulers, though, note

    megaslowking is just a figurehead

    you can unevolve and slowbro if you want

    (maybe megaslowking will be better)
    Sir Cephalopod is hurt. He dreams of becoming a real octopus.
    ... is it? I have no idea, I alternate between the two.

    Ah, I see. Yeah, for me I like to settle differences because I'm idealistic and I have a huge urge to "fix" things, but it's not always possible, unfortunately...!
    ... but how could you confuse us two then ;~; I thought you liked me

    I dunno, from what I read it seemed that you two agreed not to speak, but didn't really settle differences? Then again, "resolutions" can be vague and depend on situation, so what do I know. And it's perfectly normal not to like change - I rather dislike it too, myself - but sometimes we gotta roll with what life gives us, yeah? Since we don't have much of a choice otherwise :P But here's to hoping that we can both learn to roll better.
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