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The Omskivar
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  • those things

    ... unknow what internet things, but still would suggest substituting Dangan Ronpa for all except TCoD.

    If uncan...

    • [DANGAN RONPA VOICE] Dangan Ronpa!
    • Upupupu! School life of mutual killing!
    • You've got that wrong!
    • 11037
    • Upupu...
    and no, but... ostensibly:
    1. outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended: an ostensible cheerfulness concealing sadness.
    2. apparent, evident, or conspicuous: the ostensible truth of their theories.

    That doesn't quite seem like a meaningful adverb when used in a sentence the way you did.

    And Qbeys are adorable. That's reason enough to keep it around. You can pet it and cuddle it and it doesn't poop or shed!

    And yeah, they're autonomous. They don't even require the network to function. I'm not sure how much of the original soul is left or how much that'd affect how the Qbey acts - monobears are not autonomous but they should have the same amount of soul - but it's still a thing.
    ...is that the word you wanted to use there?

    Qbey can't talk you at all without Despair. It gives contracts of a sort, but only to those with something to despair over... and those contracts are basically joining Despair. No hope trickery, even. But I guess if you mentally probed it a lot you could get Despair. Even if you didn't push super-hard initially, you could over time increase how far you're willing to go, or maybe just overexposure to many light probes can add up because there's a little bit of Despair trickling back through the connection each time.
    You might be able to successfully ask for a Qbey pet though. warning: it is liable to sit in your room and stare.
    Yes, bad, because spoilers you should be Dangan Ronpaing so you can come to brilliant realizations of what we're all talking about later

    (I never commented on it before but Nesk, villains, also I kiiind of borrowed Gundam from SDR2 /don't do research on him/)
    Well, I did say MOST of the time. Nick or anything with significant power can push the Shade aside.
    Despair over tomorrow!
    Despair over the unknown!
    Despair over your memories!
    Shade is technically another entity, and in cases like mind probes, he usually is in the way of Nick's mind. Like a shield of darkness and misery. Kinda.
    You can just do a short post on heading out into the hall, if that's what you mean? Just acknowledge the things that've happened and then next post Gundam can actually have the Dark Gods back and he can head to the cafeteria
    two of them are off in the other hall, the other two are investigating the cafeteria since it doesn't look like one and they aren't sure it's the cafeteria yet, but they're there

    (am planning to have them come back next post, whenever that is)
    ... oh wow I never saw your reply

    I just skipped to the next page OTL

    will post myself, then!
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