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The Omskivar
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  • Gundam is half and half with social; he /wants/ to social, kind of, but then again he's Gundam and then easily goes to "I hate everyone" y'know

    (Nope, it's Dangan Ronpa!) :C I can handhold you through the reading, note, but you don't really need any knowledge of SDR2 for Gundam interactions if that's what you mean. But yeah, the room would work well, and then if we want to make this open we can have other people barge into the room for some reason? Might want to note it's not quite a party, but. We might end up doing something ridiculous and then other people could investigate !

    (or now that Phantom has a teacher doing Anthropology of the Occult Gundam could rope Katie into joining that, right)
    2013-08-28 20:56 Mai: "Confidence in Social Situations" should Gundam have spells like these or super dark ones (both, but would they be in the same grimoire???)
    2013-08-28 20:59 Mai: or spellbook, maybe
    2013-08-28 21:13 Mai: "Belladonna: For use in Astral Projection, but PLEASE NOTE: TAKING THIS HERB CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS, IT IS A DEADLY POISON!!"
    2013-08-28 21:18 Mai: hmmm there should totally be Katie and Omskivar doing ~dark magick~ together. Gundam saying that Katie's ability is still magic and wanting to astally project with her, Gundam deciding to /teach the mortal the ways of dark magick/ and completely failing at spells with her (or maybe they succeed?!?!?!), something???
    2013-08-29 01:52 allitersonance: he teaches her but he always fails while she sometimes succeeds (when it follows her own power)

    Social group RP idea?

    Isn't it great though
    Haha, I had a /lot/ to catch up on. Now Katie can react to Gundam taking over the room, at least!

    (Also, here's an image of the hamster cage; the rocking chair is foldable and the room itself obviously is different, but. ~The more you know.~)
    also wow sorry about the not posting in the actual BMA thread for a while (probably should've wrote up a post while TCoD was down...)

    I'll try and get a post up tonight uwu
    oh, may have to save posting for later. Sorry, whoops


    (I can't think of anything that would! Go ahead, do your ghost-punching worst)
    I suppose he /has/ to actually communicate with his hamsters verbally? Not sure if his SHSL level animal breeding skills actually extend to telepathy

    I meant Gundam just stepping forward, like you're supposed to do to find your partner, and I think /after/ that you're supposed to head into the ring? ... Let's just say they're both in the ring, though, it's easier.

    :D (It's no biggie! No way /of/ knowing, heh.)

    is Katie already in the ring, so Gundam can start sparring already, or...? Because otherwise it's a short post

    fun fact I didn't actually play the game (I read the LP before the fantranslated versions were released), but here's this! Without reading everything, here's the ROM. Apparently has no audio for the cutscenes, though?

    Haven't seen anything about a translated SDR2 ROM; I can give you translations translations once you finish DR though!

    ... Okay, then no calling out attacks. Maybe.
    on the other had, your car did get dirigibled, this is an excuse for stalking, right

    (on the other hand, priscilla also needs to stalk gundam for airwhale reasons)
    " By flying through someone or something very quickly, she can effectively "punch" it/them, about the equivalent of Batman punching someone wearing bulletproof armor. Enough to hurt, enough to knock someone over, enough to possibly break a moderately weak wooden barricade, but hardly anything that will cause lasting damage. However, Katie realized, after she discovered this ability, that it stands to reason that for this to work, she must exist on some sort of physically manipulateable lever. Therefore, while she is invulnerable to general physical assault, she is most likely vulnerable to manipulation of the air she inhabits, namely extreme heat or fire, lasers or any sort of weaponized light, and quite probably a wide array of supernatural-based powers she has yet to encounter. She's not a risk-taker in the slightest, so while her powers definitely have limits--they have to have limits, don't they? Nobody can just have limitless power--she hasn't been foolish enough to push herself to them, because she does not know what will happen. She has discovered a consistent weakness to silver, though if it isn't pure silver its effects are significantly diminished."

    would the air she's inhabiting suddenly exploding do anything
    seriously considering having Gundam call out his hamster's attacks like in a magical girl anime (not Madoka) or something
    When I need to go to new places, which thankfully isn't often, but as I grow up I'm sure I'll have to venture to unfamiliar territory
    if only there was a hive nearby you could use to fight me

    summon termites

    I doubt Gundam would, anyway--I don't think he actually likes to fight. So far, I've put too much on his "Dark Gods of Destruction" side and not enough on the "aaa animals animal breeder" side. Also known as the adorable side. You should totally Dangan Ronpa/SDR2 did you know

    Buuut yeah I think Gundam would ... at actually realizing wow he's going to burn her so yeah.

    It really is. I'd say your mind powers can see through it (or let her predict where they are anyway?) just because wow they intersect weirdly

    it's worthy of being a quote out of context, yes, definitely
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