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The Omskivar
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  • x3 It's just that it really has been like this for a looong time, but now that I'm middle school age (ish), I start getting teased for it.

    You're in college? Whoah. \o/
    you could make fudge and send it to her!! :D or cards/letters/craftsy projects haha. take it from someone who's suffered depression, knowing that someone cares enough to take the time to MAKE something for you is seriously great.
    I bet >< well is there anything you can do that would help her out, do you think? I've baked sympathy cakes for depressed friends before, for instance.
    Pretty much that; final project, plus preparing a couple of research proposals for my qualifying exams in a couple months.
    Well I'm better now but certainly I wasn't then!

    ... that's seriously problematic... is she still going to group therapy?

    which is why I'm here to talk to! :D
    I would imagine :( has said friend gotten help for it? I tried to kill myself a few weeks ago and went to a mental hospital and when I got out I was feeling lots better!! It might be beneficial to see if she's seeing a psychologist or therapist right now.

    And I'm glad I made your night :p I'm always willing to listen if people need to talk so!
    "I need a feelsdumpster in my life and I have none"

    I can be a feelsdumpster if you want!! I do it for RL friends all the time and I never judge ever :p
    Umm... with ASB being suspended, would you like your battle (Metallica) reffed in the meantime?
    ... Oh hey wait a second, there's no real reason for pain split, etc. to be banned. Should we keep that rule anyway?

    EDIT: Eh, I'll just remove it.
    ... Oops. Haha, I'll fix it. Six hits, right?

    And okay! I'll put it up now.
    Okay, so I revised the rules a lot--hopefully to minimize confusion. Does this make sense?

    2 vs. 1 Single
    Style: Set
    DQ: Week
    Damage Cap: 30%
    Banned Moves: OHKOs, attract, pain split and other moves relying on health percentage (think Battle for Asber!)
    Arena: The Frantic Factory

    Here's a video and a soundtrack.

    It's pretty much this broken-down factory, and there are little to no natural resources (although the fake light substitutes well enough for attacks like solarbeam, weather moves, etc. to suffer no penalties); in fact, there's really not much terrain to speak of. The pokemon are sent out on blue and white metal platforms high up in the air that are arranged in the shape of a square (sixteen in total, with four on each row of panels). Each platform is just barely large enough to hold both pokemon at any given moment, but they definitely don't have time to sit around and enjoy the scenery for a good battle--Mad Jack has been unleashed and is out for the blood of all the battlers.

    In order to avoid him, all pokemon are constantly on the move and use 1% energy per action. All pokemon are considered limber enough for this battle to hop from square to square, but none are immune to expending effort. Pokemon over one hundred pounds expend 2% energy, pokemon over two hundred pounds 3%, and pokemon over three hundred 4%. Pokemon using contact attacks gain extra momentum from the constant movement and do 1% more damage per attack. Pokemon being particularly motionless (determined by ref's discretion, but definitely caused by direct healing and chills) obviously don't expend the extra energy to move, but they do have a 30% chance of getting hit by one of Mad Jack's attacks if they don't move. Jack's attacks count as occurring outside of an action, and cannot be blocked by protect/detect/etc.

    Jack's attacks depend on how many times he has been hit. He can be hit by multi-target attacks, and by landing on the button that randomly moves to a different square every other round. (It's slightly important to keep track of the square each pokemon is on!) After getting hit six times, Jack will disappear.

    Jack attacks several different ways, depending on how many times he has been hit (Jack can be hit by pokemon targeting him or by landing on a button that moves to a randomly generated square every other round; because of this, it's important that the ref keeps track of which square every battler is on); he will throw fireballs - counting as the move flamethrower - until he has been hit twice. Once he has, he will shoot lasers--represented by focus blast in this case.

    After four hits have been landed on him, Jack will turn invisible and can only use his stomp attack. Once he turns invisible, only the arena attack (landing on the button) can damage him. Once Jack has been hit five times, he will disappear for the rest of the match.

    In addition, pokemon that do not move squares have a 10% chance of getting hit by stomp.

    Jack's attacks ignore immunities and they always count as having STAB, but Jack is also a Krokorok-in-the-Boxorok. Make of that what you will.

    Other: I'll be using Elise the skitty (with normalize!), and Omskivar will be using Tyrell the aron and Jaffacake the duskull; active squads are unnecessary. Elise will have 200% health and energy in total, but only 100% maximum at any given moment--if she goes down to 0%, her stats will all reset and she will go back to 100% (but only once, of course). Think of it as sending in yet another Elise; the pokemon that "knocked her out" will gain an experience point, and Elise will gain one like she was sent out all over again.
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