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The Omskivar
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  • ... Entrainment skitty works. I don't expect any crazy idea of mine to actually work, so, this is actually a huge surprise.
    Gifting other pokemon with normalize would make them explode; normalize is too powerful. I am being generous! With life!

    I would, but I want to use normalize completely seriously. No tricks. If I can get it, I'm not sure if I'm even buying entrainment. Now, I could always embargo her, but then I wouldn't get to use my item.

    ... Hm, does multitype skitty break everything that normalize stands for or does it make perfect sense?
    Hey, battle if you've got the time. Not sure if you do but you seem active enough for it, if not I probaly won't have to DQ you but.
    What? Gifting other, unworthy pokemon with the best ability in the game?

    Ok that's fine. I just wanted to remind you incase of laziness or something. Good luck with the move.
    Hey, have you completed the reffing yet? I don't mean to sound rude or impatient, but it's been a week since we posted commands...
    ... This is why I shouldn't try to do math OTL

    But obviously, only recovering 11% is horribly unfair. Maybe drain punch should heal 1.5x the damage inflicted. :P
    Nonono I have a meditite clearly I'm making this happen

    And that's otherwise unboosted! Don't worry, drain punch could cost negative energy.

    EDIT: Drain punch recovers 30% energy, and does 34%. Reasonable.
    Unless I'm a complete failure at math again, a medicham's choiced focus punch does 69% a hit to a doubly-weak foe. :D No such kill as overkill!

    And it would only cost 8% energy.
    Well, any time you can have people from the future altering the past, there is the potential for a paradox. The main thing is dealing with it in some internally consistent way; the problem in Arceus and the Jewel of Life was that the time travel mechanics mixed incompatible tropes so that the overall system wasn't consistent. Just have it decided in your head exactly what happens when people in the past change things from the path of the time-transport-guy's memories.

    From the sound of it, your basic idea is that when the past is altered, the timeline is modified into the future by some kind of external force, leaving the possibility of a character who can perceive that something "changed". Presumably this alters everything from where things divert from time-transport-guy's memories up to the point where the person got taken back in time, and from that mental-based character's point of view, that's when things "changed". Seeing as the old timeline itself doesn't retroactively change, there is no reason something like a grandfather paradox would arise; if somebody went back in time and killed his own grandfather, he'll find no future version of himself is born, but there's no mechanism that should erase him from his current existence in the past because of that. Unless other timey-wimey happenings contradict this, your system seems reasonably robust.
    Wait, what's the significance of his aging backwards here? It sounds more like he's just immortal. o_O

    Can the people he transports to the past actually deviate from what did in fact happen in his memories?
    That being what bothers me.

    Oh well, experiments are always fun. We shall see in two years.
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