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The Omskivar
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  • I feel oddly sentimental towards Azuraine, though. Poor guy.

    She would get upset, undoubtedly... I get too attached to my pokemon. (That would go great with the tinted lens, though.)
    Everything needs acid spray. In fact, Azuraine would do well with acid spray... but I think I'd like to hoard that signature slot for something that will never come. It'd be a little cheap to ruin him like that.

    :D It does. Not sure I ever want to give that to Kaleidoscope, though.
    Oh. Better yet, forego it for acid spray. Acid spray is the best.

    "A coarse, glittering powder made from ground-up insect carapaces. Pokémon holding this item deal 2% more damage with bug-type attacks after all other modifiers are applied." Silverpowder is what your item that buzzes should have been.
    Oh, that, right. You'd have to do the ingrain last, though, since you can't move after doing that. I need to go scan the Attacks Guide for random things.

    Beedrill don't need to much other than BEES, I think. Maybe AHBE a random move? Tail glow? Something? I'm pretty sure beedrill are physical but that doesn't stop the wonders/horrors of psych up and whatever applying.

    You need to give her that silverpowder.
    Is it weird that when I first saw ninjask I actually thought it was a cyborg bug? A robobug would be so cool bouncing off ideas like this is fun.

    Oh, yeah, butterfree and beedrill. They're cool too, but they don't feel quite as reassuring. I actually like their things, though. Especially butterfree's teleport and safeguard.

    It's an arena plot, too :D I believe my answer to that, along with everything else, will be a "maybe". (I can't remember what you said about ultra-hax, though. Unless it was the togekiss thing??? I have the attention span of a goldfish I guess.)
    Hi! It's been a while and you've said in your reffings something like you've been really busy lately so I was wondering if you'd want me and Hiikaru to find another ref for our battle!
    :( Look at those abilities, though! They make things so safe and nice and I need all three of them.

    Yes! Ninjask's only status move is toxic but nonetheless it feels nice.

    Secretive, res-like plans. You know plots are particularly nefarious when they're res-like. (I want to use the strategy against res. Very much. But then I would lose with it so no.)
    You win at the thinking up things randomly... for now. I'm busy plotting up secret plans for my cacnea. (Can't decide whether they're a boy or a girl, but whatever.)

    I like to hoard items; preeetty sure I have a dusk stone somewhere and I could just evolve mine but. I only have one what if I want a something. Inorganics are great! Usually. I'm not opposed to inorganic yet a lot of them are just bland (muk, magneton, etc.) so it's just meh.

    I want an infiltrator ninjask now. No idea why it's just there is no point in speed boost unless you're fighting an accelgor or something. Healing direct and indirect, windy moves, things... can't help but feel they're a lot more fragile than Kaleidoscope but they can still work in a great way.

    Are we just going to list all the bug types that exist? Dustox and masquerain (I'll have too many bug/flyings maybe a typechange) and volcarona and scizor and yes.
    And and also parasect learns spore and ledian and yanmega and ninjask! (I don't like pinsir, though. Really the only one I hate.)

    Pffft, same here. At first I in-game I caught one and was pretty much "litwick!" but then I trained it and was why do I like litwick oh wait I don't it's just that chandelure is cool. So then I boxed mine.

    Because I really have no excuse I'll just go with "paying attention to the type chart is for wimps". (By which I really mean brute force when applied deliberately is great but not having a protection against statuses at all times is not and the idea of that scares me. Druddigon is... well, I think druddigon is ridiculously ugly and terrible. The speed is somewhat saddening, too (I own and plan to use my slugma just what am I saying again), and just no thanks. I'll consider it when they have... they probably won't ever have a satisfying movepool.
    At this rate my team won't be 90% bugs! I know that would be impossible but it would be so amusiiing oh well cacnea! (I need a carnivine, too.)

    Hm, really? Did you buy it for her or what? (It amuses me that I realize I fit firmly into the "needing money + experience" category but will hoard new pokemon and plot new plans as well as signature things for pokemon I'll never buy and. Yeah.)

    Leftovers is a lifesaver; I don't think getting it nullified is worth it. And I don't really care about type coverage (as seen with our battle; tinted lens has also screwed with my realistic expectations) so much as the counter almost everyone third gen can get and the everything else that almost everyone can get. Sigilyph doesn't even get magic coat at the moment and yeah. Stoutland is fine, yes, but could be much better.
    Go buy it, then.

    I probably should check to see if I could get any free EXP on the Black Market things next time things show up but eh.

    All that you mentioned are great, but those that are fifth gen... blech. I'm not too fond of double team any more (far too easy to terminate), but whatever floats your boat I guess. Mawile, though, I should get a mawile sometime.

    Magic guard anything would help, too.
    Exactly! Sand teams actually sound... pretty cool I just remembered I want a steelix. And a kabutops, and a donphan, and I already have Azuraine also ancientpower. If I wasn't some sort of internet hermit (seriously this is the only place I'm actually active for some reason) I'd just go join another few leagues and have this headcanon where all my teams are the same but.

    It is! :D There was only him and a bellsprout left by the time I came around and while the first victreebel would've been interesting Azuraine is just too cool. Five dollars off a girafarig is nice. Nooot really, though.

    :( Plot, though... And primal Dialga aaah. I take it you haven't played the second? It's much better.
    But PMD has a plot! A plot, and I cried at the end of all of them just because a Pokemon game actually had a good plot. I'm really disappointed that my copy of Sky disappeared because
    I nickname all of the things! Except for legendaries (if they're mandatory to use/catch) and maybe the treecko in my ASB squad.

    I don't see it in linoone, although their DP/PT backsprite is ridiculously freaky. I mean seriously! They're less than two feet long, how can they not be adorable? Dragonite is a bit odd to put in that category, but hey. Wigglytuff I'll accept.

    I try to raid the Black Market, but no one's selling anything I find interesting so. (I did, however, get Azuraine for free off the Black Market when a member was banned! :D) STAB surf, earthquake and other things all the way! I'm all for smoothing over type disadvantages (see: everything and the normalize skitty battle), but.

    Cacturne, too! I can't quite recall whether I got the idea from you or you got it from me or whatever but I want one as well.
    I already have a pretty large team! And yes, while I will get three or four experience points from beating your face in things don't always opportunities don't always just appear. ... But I'm already thinking of a PMD team that'll violate one of my only rules of "everyone gets a nickname" whyyy. Xatu <3

    Ahaha. Linoone is the least battle-ready pokemon ever (except for the crazy ones)! Maaaybe that's because I already had this weird headcanon of that and I had was in a surprisingly long-lasting RP with an aggressively optimistic one. And walrein are both. (Have you read A Game Of Thrones? Because if so walrein is Robert.) Spoink are the cutest thing ever! Miltank are more kind than jolly, but I suppose it depends on the situation.

    I just sort of flip through the pokedex, look at the designs (practical is nice, but Rule Of Cool stands), go "I want this one!", and then look at the movepool. If they match any sort of criteria then it goes to three exclamation points. ... ... ... But yeah! Torkoal are so lovable but I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon. Swampert, though. I need a swampert.

    EDIT: No wait. I want a wailord and a relicanth so I can do some weird thing involving that whole braille sidequest whatever and what am I doing.
    I have about... three-five qualifications for a perfect pokemon, not including a great design. But if they only get a specific one then it's fine. As long as it's a specific one.

    Rael is absolutely the perfect pokemon (or at least the closest I'll get), though! :D Jolly, Hoenn, psychic, and an amazing movepool. Seriously go look at it. They don't get psycho shift, but that would be so incredibly redundant on top of everything else and. My pokemon all have some sort of varying-yet-recurring personality, but I can say with confidence that my spheal, skitty, zigzagoon and sentret will all be jolly.

    They... do. As well as magic coat. The one problem with xatu is that even though they get nice everything the nice everythings all do the same thing. :/ Also I believe that having both a noctowl and a xatu will be redundant but I want one anyway it's just. Xatu exists to be wonderful why can't I appreciate all the nice things :(
    'Kay then.

    Not worth a moveslot, really; it's just that the combination of a loud noise move and a windy move can act as a surrogate magic coat for some things. If you're going for a signature just go for the simple thing and get magic coat, I'd say.

    Mothim is one of the worse ones, but tinted lens. They already get magic guard and wonder skin though, so. Wait a second I think I totally misread magic bounce--I thought the A&A Guide meant that it would only bounce a certain attack once per battle (and not even if they use magic coat) but I don't think that's what happens so. That would actually be amazing.

    Is magic bounce xatu redundant? They already have psycho shift (which is why I need one), but synchronize is similar in that regard and early bird is just so ugh I dislike it for no real reason because it just seems oddly placed on them and. Yeah.

    Removing a conditional forever seems really nice though.
    ... Really. I didn't quite pay much attention to simipour before (just a quick scan of their movepool), so I guess I must've missed that! If only they learned a windy move or something; they're just under that sort of limited movepool that works.

    What would the explanation be; just an extension of compoundeyes? Anyway, I... really want a harvest tropius. So much. If I could've had it normally I would have chosen a frisk sentret, but rarity one... perhaps a magic bounce espeon, but synchronize is usable enough. Speed boost torchic, prankster sableye (poor Dia), tinted lens mothim maybe. What rarity are they, again?

    Just moving and floating and a giant box is trying to crush me I better get out of its way. But sure, that can be removed if you want.
    They do! Swarm itself is great, though, so when you consider how rare Dream World pokemon are it seems more productive to get it on someone who needs it. (And also the fact that you probably won't be restricted to "any Dream World pokemon from rarity one". If I get a Dream World 'mon I want something expensive.)

    Definitely. And come to think of it, grass knot seems interesting to toy with...

    Also I drafted out the arena for our battle! It'd be appreciated if you decide in advance who's going first, so the referee can skip the sending out portion of the battle.


    2 vs. 1 Single
    Style: Set
    DQ: Week
    Damage Cap: 30%
    Banned Moves: OHKO's, pain split and other moves relying on health percentage (think Battle for Asber!)
    Arena: The Frantic Factory

    Here's a video, and a soundtrack if wanted.

    It's pretty much this broken-down factory, and there are little to no natural resources; in fact, there's really not too much terrain to speak of. The pokemon are sent out on solitary metal platforms high up in the air that are arranged in the shape of a square (sixteen in total, with four on each row of panels). Each platform is just barely large enough to hold both pokemon at any given moment, but they definitely don't have time to sit around and enjoy the scenery for a good battle--Mad Jack has been unleashed and is out for the blood of all the battlers.

    In order to avoid him, all pokemon are constantly on the move and use 1% energy per action. All pokemon are considered limber enough for this battle to hop from square to square, but none are immune to the expending effort. Pokemon over one hundred pounds expend 2% energy, pokemon over two hundred pounds 3%, and pokemon over three hundred 4%. Pokemon using contact attacks gain extra momentum from the constant movement and do 1% more damage per attack. Pokemon being particularly motionless (determined by ref's discretion, but definitely caused by direct healing and chills) obviously don't expend the extra energy to move, but they do have a 30% chance of getting hit by one of Mad Jack's attacks.

    Jack's attacks depend on how many times he has been hit. He can be hit by multi-target attacks, and by landing on the button that randomly moves to a different square every other round. (It's slightly important to keep track of the square each pokemon is on!) After getting hit six times, Jack will disappear.

    To attack and move, Jack will simply jump around and try to crush any viable target. This counts as the move stomp, and at any time this will encompass half the chance of the effects.

    In the beginning (before two hits have been landed on him), Jack may also throw fireballs. This counts as the move flamethrower.

    Later, Jack will shoot lasers. This counts as the move focus blast.

    After four hits have been landed on him, Jack will turn invisible and can only use his stomp attack. Once he turns invisible, only the arena attack can damage him.

    Jack's attacks ignore immunities and they always count as having STAB, but Jack is also a Krokorok-in-the-Boxorok. Make of that what you will.

    Other: I'll be using Elise the skitty (with normalize!). Omskivar'll be using Tyrell the aron and Jaffacake the duskull, with _ going first. Elise will have 200% health and energy in total, but only 100% maximum at any given moment--if she goes down to 0%, her stats will all reset and she will go back to 100% (but only once, of course). Think of it as sending in yet another Elise; the pokemon that "knocked her out" will gain an experience point, and Elise will gain one like she was sent out all over again.


    Looks good?
    Oh, it's Destroy all Humans. xD
    Fun games, but I could swear the god of the main charcater is called The Omskivar.
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