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The Omskivar
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  • Hullo thar!
    I'm afraid I'm not very active - I rush my daily TCoD visits to make time for other things =x
    *Shrug* That's only a 20% chance. (Only, hah.) That's nice and will get you pretty far on crithax, but I'm not quite sure about that. Regardless, it's your attribute!

    That, and it just seems sort of... awkwardly done. I know it was sort of made to have weird limbs but. Shieldon and bastiodon are neat, though~
    I'd want to drop the priority decrease, personally, but. Flavor.

    ... I don't know, I don't like cranidos. (Well, cranidos is actually pretty cool, but I don't like rampardos.) It turns out I'm not very helpful after all. :V Maybe some support options? But even then cranidos don't support for a reason
    Same here, I suppose; I'd prefer my normalize delcatty to stay just a normalize delcatty. Although I miiight give it bestow as an AHBE move (for ring target). Well, if you want help, could you give some plot-worthy personality or general ideas? All I can think of is "surfer chick" for your panpour; it may or may not be that I'm not much a fan of either of them. Simipour is somewhere between okay and good, though.

    Maybe reduce it to going last in the priority bracket? It'd be like stall, but. Okay I hate stall not too much a fan of that idea either.
    We do? I've been off of ASB for so long...

    Oh wait, I remember. I'm guessing I'm about to be dq'd? (probably)

    *goes to check thread*
    Just when using the bug-infused attack. I don't know but the execution is almost always "this is why we can't have nice things" worthy

    That actually does seem pretty cool! Crithax could be helpful at some point. (Although I do prefer to rely on secondary effect!hax and status!hax.)
    Pretty much; Kaleidoscope's not entirely a powerhouse yet but she can take things far enough.

    Typechanging wouldn't be mandatory, that's the thing; it'd only happen when ordered. My idea is that it would cancel out tinted lens and make her move last in her priority bracket to start out.
    An overpowered version of tinted lens allowing Kaleidoscope to force the bug type into any move she uses. It'd have to have some drawbacks, definitely, but normalize exists and the idea of a bug type thunder wave is just too delicious to pass up. The question is where do I go from that attribute to a signature move.

    ... Yeah, that's pretty paranoid. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
    The problem is that I have a vague hope of a signature move in addition to an attribute for Kaleidoscope. Emphasis on "vague hope", but I'm cheap enough to refrain from asking. No problem, I suppose?

    Point, but there's nothing wrong with rampant paranoia.
    :> I like thinking of weird things! It's fun; I'm always ready to help if you need it! Although I'm pretty sure my help is limited to my odd version of sense. I can't really feel that torkoal thing. I think I just gave blazhy a signature attribute idea infodump in our VM conversation, either way. When I was a (pre-internet and ASB) kid I used to brainstorm weird OHKO strategies. Before telekinesis existed as a move I thought if a medicham could lock a smaller pokemon in place with psychic a steelix could slam itself into the victim and kill it. ... It's actually a fairly viable strategy once I think about it; also hi jump kick.

    Fuuu--we just. Need to do something about this and also VM conversations are public.

    I believe it does. Oh well; AHBE move?
    Illuminate. Not very interesting; I suppose if you manage to get the Dream World ability it's good. (Prankster, which illumise gets as well.)

    Or Mewtwo and Darkrai. I mean sure eating was a ridiculous and impractical thing before Kratos tried it but still damn it. I wish we could just. Find some shenanigans to change our pokemon but nooo.

    And also I have the most amusing idea of having an out-of-control spinning hitmontop with a signature attribute that makes it inherently hovering. It's a good idea okay.
    What. Hitmontop is cool. >/ I guess I won't have to worry about you stealing the first there, though, if I ever get a tyrouge. Very unlikely, considering that I already have six possible firsts.

    The sprites are a large majority of what we reference them with, though! I... I need a steelix now. We totally should've sent in an onix/steelix for the BfA because larger than Giratina. Try to eat that.

    Exactly. And there's the possibility of spreading out projectiles to kill them, and a lot of other things. They can catch you if you order first, though.

    Volbeat are fine and good, but not over illumise. Especially when you consider tinted lens. (No tail glow sucks though.)
    Lunatone seem pretty great, honestly; I don't see what your problem with them is. But then again, when I bought Kaleidoscope she was just "oh look a Hoenn fully evolved first", without any real regard to anything. Definitely test them out!

    Well, on the amusing failures, Tuft once made eleven clones with double team and then promptly got them all destroyed when Mawile used rain dance! :D

    Actually, steelix seem much more intimidating to me. But I'm not too much of a fan of onix anyway... I don't know, if I had one I'd go for evolving it. But then again, I already own a slugma with base twenty speed.

    Hitmonlee is just plain weird; I'd go for hitmonchan. (Or hitmontop, but.)
    Haha, yeah. Kaleidoscope is actually pretty amazing, though; if she had a few more percentage points I'd actually be very optimistic with her. The nice thing is that her movepool is just tricksy enough to get me out of most situations, but I still have to think to do it; just having everything handed to me is convenient but not quite as interesting. (And I suppose it's not quite helpful when I need to actually be creative.) I assume you mean the silver wind thing? Well, I had to do something to show I wasn't completely unintelligent after that encore! :D I actually saw that coming from miles away, but I just sort of... hoped it wouldn't happen... Yeahhh. I was also tempted to shenanigan my way into confusing Yakuza here--I had a vague idea of how it would happen and everything--but then I realized that would be stupid why do I even want to confuse him that badly.

    Um I don't even know honestly. That is something I will deal with later. It is his future self, and he can talk to him, and he gains the ability analytic normally? I have no idea.

    Oh, okay. Lunatone are actually cool! I considered buying one myself at some point but then I just. Didn't.

    Also on the side of pessism if Giratina are set free upon the league I will totally beat them up with my normalize delcatty. With eating being in the banned moves section of course.
    At least you only have a Honchkrow to worry about at this point and you're not fighting Giratina with a crippled Illumise. Speaking of which I must admit it was a very clever move and I will be using a lot more clever moves if I can get battles.

    Also that looks like the most kickass Deino I've ever seen. A little crazy but manageable; if you ever get a Hydreigon, though, how will you explain his future self?

    And I bought him a new one because I still liked mine and deluded myself into thinking I'd be using it at some point.
    Speaking of DQs, there's also the tournament I guess. Kratos hasn't posted in a while, which is annoying but they do have a post in the Absence Sheet (and I'm actually enjoying myself to the point that if they actually do get DQed, I might even turn to temporary insanity to the point that I'd ask for the game to be continued). Sigh I'm way too impatient blah blah blah. I suppose it's reasonable for them to stall, as well; I posted commands four hours after the round was posted and look my illumise is crippled now. Still, though; there's only so much paranoia you can fit into three conditionals and after that it's moot. There wasn't much I could really do. :/ The battle's still fun, though!

    In which I ruin the chances of ever using him. You think hustle is bad? Try managing that; I'm not sure I ever will.

    Did you give him yours or buy him one? Because to me, "first" is more important than "only".
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