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The Omskivar
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  • Is that a challenge? I know that; the combee wasn't a gift so by that I meant I would be squandering my own hard-earned vespiquen's potential.

    Damage caps exist, you know. Hopefully in this match.
    What if I wasn't planning to use foresight

    (I was but)

    ... It's more of a last ditch effort D: Would you prefer I squander the potential of the combee that's already being used in a metronome battle?
    Normalize sucks too especially when put up against a ghost type your point is

    And they have silver wind! That's like a damaging magic coat! They can still chill too.

    Also I just want something wildly impractical to pull when I'm about to lose okay.
    That's Tuft's thing, mostly. My idea for her signature move is that she'll sacrifice herself to bring forth two combee with half her health and energy to fight at once.

    That isn't really a legendary complex, though. I think I'm beginning to understand needing more than one of a pokemon.
    Legendaries need to bee bees

    then I could live with them existing

    also am I crazy or does my soon-to-bee vespiquen need a god/legendary complex attribute
    Buzzcomb is haunting you, isn't she.

    ... Bees. My god beedrill. Bees.
    I've always loved Beedrill from the start. And then gen 5 just made bug types so awesome <3

    It should be updated in a few days, yes? Though... by then it may be too late. Hm. If you want I could lend you some money to buy presents?
    I know right :D I always use a bug type in the games. In gen 5 I used three!

    I think most people answer them top to bottom... :P Well since the messages are relatively short I can tell what you're replying to.

    Well it is a very good tank...? Hahaha did I just say that no psychic is a terrible defensive type.
    I think counterparts are fun as long as they aren't obscure and unneeded. I mean having only a "man" Pokemon, for example, would bring cries of sexism :P

    Grahh either option sucks ): And the paranoia that comes with it! Horror!

    Yeah, that's pretty much it, too. :P Counterparts are nice and all, but when they are overdone... Then again it'd suck if there was no Cresselia, because everyone would probably be asleep and having nightmares. Anyway yeah, I agree that it seems like EVERYTHING has a counterpart now... and when it's overdone it gets annoying.
    Hm, I think it was more of a counterpart to Darkrai than a Pokemon based off of the moon... Darkrai is associated with the new moon, iirc, so Cresselia should be associated with the full moon, right? Though yeah Lunar Dance is basically a fancy Healing Wish.

    Probably... Commands that are too intricate fall apart really easily.
    Yeah, I think we lost in the first two rounds when we spent too much time trying to support Ditto, and when we had our team members eaten...

    Well when we have a slot open, go for it! :D Why Cresselia specifically though?
    I don't have a working version of it, but if you really want one I can probably fix it up for you.
    Yeah, most likely. I'd like to keep them out for as long as possible, though... There haven't been legendaries for how many years now? If we work hard enough then maybe we can keep that up. Also Dragon and I wanted to make that business partly so that people could /battle/ with legendaries but no-one would own them, technically.

    Every legendary should be battleable.
    Well, even then it makes me feel ughhh because there's only one of those I want one too /but I can't get one/ ;~;

    Then go with the Snatcher taking the health deduction. I'm fairly certain that's right.
    Indeed. The only modern pop I hear these days is usually filtered through either "Weird Al" Yankovic or Rucka Rucka Ali. Which effectively means that I have to stifle giggles whenever I hear the original song.
    Oh wow. That's some killer swing right there.
    I love how we're both completely out of touch with contemporary music.
    Haha, same! Maybe it's a bit unhealthy for us to be plotting so extensively... but ugh legends. Do not want in TCoD ASB.

    Naw, it's no problem. The Snatcher takes the health deduction, according to this battle; iirc according to game mechanics, that happens too. Though since Negrek said that if Stockpile is snatched, both have to pay the energy cost, I'm not very sure... plus that battle is very old. If you want to be safe, ask the Boss Lady.
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