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The Omskivar
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  • oh, sorry if I sounded impatient! I'm not (it's only been like, a week) - I just wanted to know whether you were continuing with it or not. That sounds like a lot to handle. Good luck, and thanks for reffing it for us! :D
    hey, are you still interested in e-reffing that battle for Music Dragon and I, or would you like us to ask for another e-ref? I don't think Karkat's coming back any time soon, he doesn't really have much time for it.
    Hey, just posting to apologize for running way behind on your battle with LS. I will hopefully get to it this weekend, I'm just really busy at the moment and I've let a lot of stuff pile up.
    Well I know a total of five bronies (including myself) IRL. I gotta go, see ya later, bestfriend!
    What else? ;)
    A pity there are no other bronies at my school. My cousins are, though.
    When I first started watching, I was like, "Ugh I don't like her, she complains too much!" But now she's one of my favorites.
    Yeah. It's a bit overused. Who's your favorite character? I think mine is a tie between Twilight and Rarity.
    Oh good otherwise I was going to be like herpaderp.
    Whatever anyone else might say about the new episode, the costumes were great!
    Well I guess I would too, but only if my hands are tied. But I guess if you play soccer of something, you might have had practice? Ah whatever I don't know anything about sports. Except volleyball, but that's beside the point.

    Overall though, I think we can agree that one's head is not the ideal weapon.
    Yeah, it was an accident. I wouldn't exactly choose my head as my weapon of choice either.
    Well enough, if you don't count getting hit in the eye by some kid's head.
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