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The Omskivar
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  • Hm, I'm alright. But I always say that no matter how bad stuff is going. :|

    Been listening to some pretty music.
    Yeah, the zh sound is great, but it's so uncommon. And... tbh I had nothing to do with the name! My brother made the name for one of my Fakemons, and it just stuck.

    Paranoia is the catchphrase of like 30 people nowadays!
    Yeah, I've seen a lot of people pronounce it like that... probably because there are hardly any zh sounds in the English language, and when you do chance upon zh's, they're usually pronounced like just z...

    Don't worry, deep down, we are all stalkers :D
    ... dude. In fifth grade, I failed a colouring assignment.

    Whose bee is this, who stung to rest
    in the honeycomb is buzzing
    Whom Combees greet with honey sweet
    While Drones watch are keeping

    This, This is Vespiqueen
    Whom Combee guard and Worker bees
    Haste, Haste to bring it honey
    The bee, the queen of th' hive
    What I got you wasn't that great :P Really, I have to give you something more if you are to draw my entire team. Keep your Pokémon, please~

    Vespiqueen, Vespiqueen, Combee all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride on a Vespiqueen today,
    Vespiqueen, Vespiqueen, Combee all the way,
    Oh what fun it is to ride on a Vespiqueen today,
    you are amazing let me get you something more what do you want

    Bzzt, Bzzt, Merrily on High,
    In the comb, the honey'is flowing,
    Bzzt, Bzzt, verily the sky,
    is riv'n with Combee buzzing
    Hosanna in excelcis
    Hosanna in excelcis
    ((you can still offer drawings! I have 9 other members of my party who need to be drawn by competent hands which means not mine!

    of course, you can stay with giving your Pokémon, but if you opt to draw instead, I'll return them to you))

    On another note:

    Combees we have heard on high
    Sweetly buzzing o'er the 'comb
    and the workers in reply
    Echoing with joyous stings
    In excelsis deo
    In excelsis deo
    Hark! the hearld combees buzz
    "Glory to the newborn Queen"
    bees on earth, and honey mild,
    queen and workers reconciled
    joyful all ye swarms rise
    join the triumph of the skies
    with th'insectoid host proclaim
    honey is made in BEEthlehem
    Hark! the hearld combees buzz
    "Glory to the newborn Queen"
    Depends on how recently it was made. I haven't updated the bank for a couple of days.
    (it rides around on invisible draco meteors)

    Yep! Otherwise all the lotads would drown because HOW DOES ONE GET AIR WHEN YOUR ENTIRE BODY IS UNDERWATER AND YOU HAVE STUBS FOR LEGS???

    ANSWER ME!!!!
    For reasons I am not at liberty to discuss... (aka I'm reffing your newest accepted challenge)

    Put that staryu in your active squad.
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