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The Omskivar
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  • I only have two signature attributes (Azuraine's and Visionary's) and one signature move (Tuft's; AHBE). I do have plans for everyone, though! Seriously name a team member; there are only four I have no idea about and one that I just don't like enough to care.

    The one double battle I'm in hasn't been touched in several months, but I'm not really sure I want to get Silver DQed so. The other is technically over DQ, but I went over DQ as well and I'm still having some semblance of fun with it. The other's just waiting for Colours to ref.

    I have the first/only bonsly. Buuut I don't like bonsly, nor do I like sudowoodo. Hm.

    EDIT: Oh, RTB has a bonsly now? Guess I'd better hurry with evolution!
    Well if so I'd have to already have my delcatty! I need another first yes.

    I just filled up my last slot with the Battle for Negrek's Blood, so even then there'd still be a problem. My other battles have been going a little slowly, and I'm not sure when they'll end.

    Aaah I love it too <3 I need more ridiculous sig-things but wait maybe instead I should make the ones I "have" practical and approvable.
    Yeah, guess that goes under the umbrella of repetitive... Some of the boss fights were tough though, like Moltres when you were a Bulbasaur and your partner was a Charmander...

    Double weaknesses suck but Aggron and Tyranitar are so awesome they don't care.
    see, the thing about pmd is that it's basically a roguelike except without permadeath and identification and all the stuff that actually makes the genre interesting.
    I'm not sure if I've done it before... If I have then people just find out eventually and carry on the conversation as if nothing happened haha :P

    I wouldn't say slowly, what with the super-fast run function, even without ROM speed-up... but repetitive, you could say that.

    I like Lucario, I'm okay with Alakazam, and while Bisharp may look fine I do rather dislike it. It was a very mild dislike at first because of its poofy legs and then ABCD proceeded to murder me with its SD sucker punches. When I get murdered repeatedly by a Pokemon in competitive battling I tend to dislike it.
    I guess I'll return the two Pokémon to you by not claiming it?

    And no, I doubt they'll be seeing any usage, so. If convenient, though, how about Helium, though?
    I never really understood how people VM themselves. Don't you click the message first to go to the conversation and then reply or something? o.o

    Yeah, it gets repetitive, I agree with that. I don't mind all that much, though; it's the storyline that really pulls me in. Postgame gets boring quickly though. I got Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur is amazing in PMD so :D

    No, as in I dislike the designs of the monkeys. xD Humanshapes in general actually. I do have a Steelix, and I've used Onix in battle, and I've seen it in action in other places... it's a great Pokemon, despite as res would put it, being disgustingly slow. Though imo it's best to evolve it because double weaknesses to water and grass suck. Kangaskhan, haven't seen that around...
    It just got really repetitive for me. Even with speeding things up. And the bag was really frustrating because I'm not wasting my time going to banks or whatever. Also the quiz made me a Meowth and that's just no fair D:

    How can you dislike all designs ever :'( It's my mission now to get the biggest things that I can easily obtain in ASB. First on the list are Kangaskhan and Onix. Because Onix can eat smaller things, I would think, and it's got a decent amount of resistances and it's made of rock so good luck breaking out
    Well, a humanshape fire-type probably isn't the worst thing ever. I mean it can climb trees /and/ burn them down! But imo fire-types in ASB aren't all that good. Water-types suffer from fairly shallow movepools - water and ice and normal, that's about it - but at least can move well underwater, and grass-types are good depending on which one it is. As for designs... suffice to say I dislike all of them. :P

    B-but I love Mystery Dungeon ): More than the mainstream series, actually. Maybe because I like angst in my games, I dunno.
    That happens /every time/ ugh. It's even worse when you're trying to get through Sky Pillar! Though I guess you could just turn off speed-up hurr.

    Hmm, personally I dislike Panpour because it is a water-type and I tend to dislike water-types. ): I would've gotten Pansear but I dislike human-form Pokemon as well.
    Yeah but then I keep running into things. ):

    Because... adaptability? I don't know? Actually grah I have enough water-types
    Plus, I'm not that arrogant; I'm just trying to relieve myself of paranoia and set reasonable expectations of what Elise can and can't do in silly situations.

    Sure! It should be singles, though; partially because I'm more comfortable that way and partially because if you think about it that could mean I could magically inflict 80% damage in a round while you could only do 40%.

    It's on, then. And if you need a rematch when you lose, well, I'm quite willing to test out my vespiquen's ridiculous signature move.
    I suppose we could do one of those battles where I have 200% apiece and you have two normal regular pokemon? It would present both stubbornly difficult situations well enough.

    Also, you might as well be aware; I'm going to be treating this just as seriously as the tournament battle. Keep in mind that you'll be facing just the same sort of relentless shenanigans that will be occuring as I kill Kratos' team with a crippled illumise and a half-dead stall sableye. :D
    No, it doesn't ;_;

    I suppose I'm lucky that Kratos has the only aggron. But still, aaah... I suppose I need to consider a plan for that.
    I think you have to do it again, sadly. I'm actually trying to fix this as normally (ahaha) as possible, considering the circumstances; this is somewhere near a worst-case scenario of the next round of the tournament except with a bit more movepool and a bit more movepool problems. Because if I do win this I plan to keep normalize with evolution; if not I'm going to have to fuss over it for a while before deciding.

    Of course, there's always types that resist normal; that'd be a pain too but not something I want to try out thanks.
    I'm pretty sure that would be overdoing it juuust a little. Seriously I need silver wind and then all will be well in the world.

    Interesting strategy. To be quite honest I'm not sure how I want to go about my plans... although I do have the beginnings of a fairly simple one. Does setting the damage cap at 30% seem acceptable to you? 35%?
    Yeah, after I began to shoot for Pokedex completion I got a Heracross after headbutting... some half an hour, if my memory serves me correctly. OTL

    Not bad at all. :D That's just a special Christmas present then!
    Of course I /could/ be a jerk and just buy another Basculin
    Yay for Metapod! Yay for the only Metapod!

    I would Headbutt like no tomorrow but I never got a Heracross, you lucky duck. ): All I got were Hoothoot and the like.
    Oh well, a bit too late now. You... could give late Christmas presents using the Black Market? I've done that 8D

    Yesss, Scyther. And Heracross. And Yanma.
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