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The Omskivar
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  • Pretty much.

    ... Point. I've been just kind of terrible when considering ASB for the past week. Not sure about the indefinite living underwater, though; they don't have gills, and while they'd certainly last longer than a fire or water type I'd imagine monkeys still need to breathe.

    Have I mentioned a need a ledian now? Because I do. (Haha, iron fist. Tempting, but there are more important things.)
    Yeah, sweeping isn't quite that effective in this sort of situation. I mean, if you call brute force sweeping then yes... but it's not quite sweeping in a way. It's slower, for one, and other things.

    Well, simipour is nice, but I see no reason to believe they'll be that great other than recycle.
    In general or shell smash in particular? Because really, I'm not much a fan of the stat drops shell mash gives... I'd prefer to rely on gimmicky things like ominous/silver wind. Now that I think of it serene grace whatever has both would be niiice. Hm.

    Pansear aren't even near worth it. Even for a first, and when I'm not willing to buy something for a first you know something's up. Shame milotic already exist, they seem quite nice.

    hahahaha fissure and horn drill

    Iii'm not sure; obviously not but I might as well try it. What could possibly go wrong (many, many things)? Also shell smash I suppose.
    Tail glow is great when both psych up and baton pass exist. :D Flash cannon seems likely, maaaybe solarbeam but that seems unapprovable. I thought huntail would learn the elemental fangs to help us out but they... don't...? I'd like to add charge beam, anyway.
    I have a deepseatooth now! Since we seem to be plotting up odd signature things, how does giving my glow-in-the-dark huntail tail glow, flash, and illuminate in place of things sound?
    That can tear down mountains.

    Yeah, the boss battles started getting hard after Skarmory. And monster houses and stuff like that. It was repetitive but not necessarily mind-numbingly boring - most of the time anyway.
    Hi! You didn't quote anyone in your last post in the emergency referee thread, so we were wondering if you meant to refer to our battle or the one above it! Could you maybe edit in a quote or something so it's clear which one you meant!
    Yes, Warriors is the series about the wild cats. My godfather gave me the five books I was missing as a Christmas gift, so now I've got all 43 books, and I'm almost done with one of the most recent now ^-^
    Probably! I once thought of getting a signature attribute of a pokemon with a branched evolution accidently evolving into some mix of both, but that's actually pretty inane especially when I'm a lot less fond of huntail than I am of gorebyss. (I love both, but gorebyss is just completely wonderful.) Clamperl, however, practically surpasses them both and if they had a better movepool and speed stat I'd keep mine unevolved. Sadly there's already a clamperl in the league.

    I have one or two shinies and haven't restarted my copy of White; I suppose I could buy a new one but if there's going to be another version then I'd rather not. I have gotten all of the starters through trading, though!
    I just boxed mine to start with; I chose oshawott. I was naming all of my pokemon after Homestuck characters and I couldn't think of an appropriate name. Besides, out of all the must-haves the design was rather boring.

    Like me! ... Probably not, though. I'm already planning on having the first gorebyss.
    It's awkward, yes... okay there's no real reason I should like bastiodon and not rampardos but. The weird things just happen to look insanely cool on bastiodon.

    Yes, it should. In Noninane Sense because really this is crucial to our victory.
    Like MapleStory 8)
    And playing all the various video games that my boyfriend insists on buying me every single weekend. And reading Warriors books ^-^
    I never really understood bastion's face! It just seemed interesting, that's all.

    'Kay then. Remember your shrines!
    Yeah, it was a dumb question. I was just paranoid about mucking up when I'd been doing so well.
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