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The Omskivar
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  • That's great; so am I.

    What I meant to say was
    I have these annoying suspicions that my gender might not match my biological sex
    but I can't figure out if it isn't just puberty fucking me up
    it's really frustrating and gah
    "As far as teen angst or beyond that?"

    gah why did you have to say that I'm blaming you for my suspicions that I may not be cisgendered after all >.<

    edit: oh great a double post and my phone isn't letting me delete
    "As far as teen angst or beyond that?"

    gah why did you have to say that I'm blaming you for my suspicions that I may not be cisgendered after all >.<
    Just wondering if you're still e-reffing that battle between me and ole_schooler?

    (I'm really the last person who should be bugging other people about reffings...)
    Oh crap, that last one was directed at Squorn! D: Um... ignore it?

    and yes thank you the irony of non-conformists all being the same has been pointed out to me >_>
    Who do we share in possible-firsts, anyway? None, actually... so a race would actually be interesting. If I actually had the time, anyway. (I'm really interested in frenzy plant now, though.) I don't think any of yours are up there.

    Yeah, you're right on that part. Indirect is great in that it can get overlooked due to small base power, but if everyone had it and everyone used it then all the reasons it gets overlooked actually matters and. It works best if it's just laying low as a thing. Also is uproar apparently the best thing or what? Even better is that a few of mine knew it all along and just noting it for later. (Like I was supposed to remember how embargo removed attributes but I didn't.)
    I don't see why it would need to be treated differently than experience. Oh, dusknoir would be nice; not sure how practical that would be though. And I am extremely disappoint in their not learning drain punch.

    :( What if I want to be shallow and impractical, though. Also I was trying to talk myself out of speeding myself into another first!race but I think I may have to challenge that grovyle of yours. Come to think of it, Falsage seems very refreshing to use compared to my current state of apathy with my battles... Anyway, I would think that mini-tree sceptile has for a tail would cut maneuverability immensely. Those little bulbs on their back don't seem very aerodynamic either; I'm really just picking at the design and frowning but.
    I'm not sure if the "thinks she's a legendary" attribute and "split into two combee" move could fit on the same pokemon, so, it would be fantastic. Well, if he gets a bad roll he might go back to hustle. That's sort of a vague area. And I'd love to play with octillery, they get acid spray. Emboar and tyranitar are eh. They're great, yes, but I don't want to use them as much as octillery. Cacturne, galvantula for luck, maybe a lopunny!

    Those are all (except for hone claws) brute force. Frenzy plant sounds like it could be endlessly exploitable though. Again, avoiding making decisions.
    I love treecko and grovyle as well... but not sceptile. Blech, sceptile. I'm not sure how much that extra speed (and movepool?) matters to me--I'll figure out when I get six EXP!

    Yeah, that seems like a plausible thing.

    Evolution match? I'm not sure whether that would make Visionary usable. It would, however, give me an opportunity to use Lucas... or to experience evolve Cersei. More bees = good, right?
    So do I! Eventually!

    ... Nothing, I guess. -_- I don't know, Azuraine seems complete as-is. Spikes, perhaps? It just seems easier to toxic and then go with more powerful moves. (Or, rely on poison point for normal poisoning.) I agree on beedrill.

    Eee, torkoal! :D Sounds fun.

    Hm. Well, a battle of mine is wrapping up (I'm dead already)--would you mind me starting another match in the meantime?
    To be fair, treecko already gets giga drain. (It's nice to have variety in indirect healing!)

    I don't really see how poison fang is necessary, but sure.

    Ohhh, for some reason I just blanked out on that. (This means that I will put a combee in my active squad you know that right. ... Wait, combee is too usable. I will put in Visionary.)

    How quickly do you think one of your battles will end?
    Quite likely influenced by that too.
    that and I'm going through a (hopefully permanent?) phase of rejecting nighall labels
    If you must know, it's an indication that I've accepted the fact that I am a mass of clashing moodiness, ego, and self-loathing.
    I... thought I replied to this? Hrm.

    Well, if I get that super-move approved I will have no need for anything else. They seem brute force-y, but look on Veekun and I'm just a bit taller than one. There are ground moves that exist and I could buy them, but I don't like any of them either. Shame Azuraine has no business in Altoram, but.

    And no drain punch, either. :( That surprises me. Looking at it, I should probably get an electric that I'll actually use... but who cares about type coverage at this point, my team is bugs.

    ... What?
    Nidoking have a plethora of everything. They even get a few choice statuses, and an acceptable support movepool! Gastro acid, clear smog or coil? I don't really know. None of those seem necessary.

    I'd feel terrible if I got rid of any of my gifts, so. I feel... so sad... for Kaleidoscope but really it would be amazing. Hm. (Although slightly less kickass than silk scarf Elise!)

    A battle where the goal is to do badly? I'm not sure if that would be Negrek-approved, but if it was doubles I could certainly "win" that.
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