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The Omskivar
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  • I would let a taunted pokémon grab onto its opponent, sure; it definitely seems like there's hostile intent. Minimize would obviously fail, though.
    "How much effort do you put into it though?"
    Usually none. Hence why it rarely goes beyond me thinking xem as rather pretty.

    Ha... ha.
    Perfectly fine.

    I actually have been writing a round, and if you don't mind, I'll PM to you in a few minutes.
    ...yeah, sure, let's go with that.

    Kiddin', kiddin'. I've missed it... for many reasons. One of them being its my birthplace. Another being it's Europe which is amazing. Another being it's not Boulder, which is considerably less amazing IMO.
    I'm off to Germany in a month, where YOU CAN DRINK BEER WHEN YOU'RE 16 WHOO

    Mm, how I've missed that place.
    Ninth. Ho ho, no, we're not doing eight grade again. *sob*

    Right now I'm writing a persuasive essay stating that the 18th Amendment of the Amerikan Constitution is the most important one. The one that bans alcohol consumption. I get to cite the Bible and it's fun and not something I'd ever support :P
    I was not stallion enough to brave it. I just skipped ahead to the credits. And died because of that.
    I did notice. Need to sort out my ASB gifts. Like that anything blazheiro offered me.

    Fan fiction with technicolor ponies.
    Hm-hmm. But I love that song D:

    Fan fiction, m'boy.

    And hey, I turned 14 in case you didn't notice.
    Good, good. I took a little break from the Land of Tea and Cod, worked on some projects I've long wanted to see flower, and got published on Equestria Daily :D

    Still sinking into periods of depression/nihilistic hatred, but other than that I'm quite alright. Except when I listen to "Speed of Pain," which always makes me sad. Like right now, for instance.
    That's how it was for me too!

    But hey, how's your life been? I heard you're less mad at the world.
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