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  • (Canada)
    Oh, there you are Kumajira! I've been looking everywhere for you, eh?

    Who are you?

    I'm Canada, your owner!

    They make... An odd pair...
    Hey, who's that?

    (I'm not going to bother hiding it, it's Canada)
    I'm Canada!

    Oh god... I should have known Canada was a boy... Well, at least he's modest...
    *doesn't seem to care*
    Who are you two.

    I'm Frostagin, and that's Ulqi!
    (some random bear)
    *pokes Frostagin*
    Hey. Hey, you.

    *looks at bear*

    Have you seen my owner?

    What does he look like?

    I dunno.

    *picks up bear*
    Weirdo. Hey, what's your name?

    (bear that is so obviously Kumajiro it's not even funny)

    Wooow. I wonder if the pilot is a Dragon Rider or something...
    Okey~! Let's go to Canada! But not Vancouver, it always rains there!

    Sorry, inside joke. I had to. But seriously, if you check Vancouver's weather, it ALWAYS rains there. Every friggin day.
    *randomly pulls a globe out of her backpack*
    Pick a country, any country.
    *spreads out on floor*
    Sooooo, if we're not going to wherever the heck your parents live, where are we going? Cause... I don't want to do anything to Iggy-kun.
    Just yet.
    *clears throat*
    Ulqi. Follow your instinct. Trust me, it'll work out considering you're not a dragon and all.
    Oh Eragon I don't know what to tell you seriously. I seriously don't, and...
    *flops over*
    *looks at ceiling*
    I don't exactly know what I'm doing myself. I thought I did, but now that I think about it...
    I just don't know.
    Wait, what abut Prussia? There's no country called that, and he's Germany's bro. Waaait, didn't that used to be a part of Germany or something? So, maybe he's East Germany, kinda like Romano is South Italy? Hmmm...
    Hey look, Frost's mind is spazzy right now!

    Don't tell me. Spazes are cool.
    And bowties.
    And also fezzes.
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