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  • Mine would have to be "WHAT THE CRAPOLA HAPPENED HERE" or something like that, courtesy of our favorite bad-mouthed Italian.

    She's... Just so...
    Bum bum by. I'll get off my lazy butt and go find some Wikipedia pages. Steven Moffat, producer of Doctor Who Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock

    Go google them or something. I'd do it, but I'm on iPad and am too lazy to do it.

    Schliebe what do
    For my friends, Benedict Cumberbatch. I could say Steven Moffat, but that might actually make them happy. To Doctor Who fans, he is an effing troll. Gaah.

    What do I do crap I don't know
    I've never actually pranked anyone, but I was thinking about being mean on twitter and saying that an actor died. That would kill my friends though.

    *looks away*
    Now DragonBall Quest, please
    Richie and Trunks must make out
    Sorry. I gots to! Revenge for your avatars during the Yami Marik saga! Speaking of which, I just changed my avatar the other day, but....
    I told you I was going to change it! It's your fault for not stopping me. Next..."Kaibs".

    What have you done
    I'm terrible at April Fools pranks. I'm tempted to just text everyone I know 'is your refrigerator running'.


    I'm-a prob'ly be less active, and Kuchiki hasn't been very active lately, so could you do me a favor? Soul Guard for meh for a week, plz? Just kind of bugger people about it, blame it on me, and try to get it rolling along. Not too fast, otherwise I'll have to catch up, but you get the idea. :D
    o . 0

    ...Kay. Whatever floats your boat.

    Random spoilers because I loooove doing that: ...Cami Breif. Think about that name for a second. And no, she is not Richie's baby.
    Also, the asexually produced offspring of Zarbon and Jeice, Bick!

    Along with some evil spirits contained in jewelry.

    Not much.
    Also, how are you?
    Oh, derp what is wrong with me

    A girl's name. I sketched the cutest little tan-skinned, white-haired preteen girl.
    I wish I had a freaking scanner..
    Suggestions: Celest. Amane. Arrcie. Something like that.

    I don't know what the heck I'm doing! But, if I do actually write this, it'll be called 'Nya Richie Cordelia and friends return!'
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