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  • ..Double-post.
    I have a question, because the other day my brain went crazy and I started writing a thing, featuring a little boy named Atem Breif.
    Richie's son. I got soo bored and started drawing things like that, and um...

    If Rainn and Bakura had a kid, what'd that name be?
    It's because I'm usually free around the same time as you. c:

    *closes eyes*
    *holds out hands*
    ~le meanwhile~
    *is pacing for some reason*
    *suddenly stops*
    CRAP! Not now, not now, anytime but now! Uggh... I don't want to tell anyone about it, but I need to tell someone... I'd tell Ulqi, but she's in Japan, and this isn't an over the phone situation... Crap, what am I going to do...
    I'll wait for you at England's house. That's closer to America. Really, I don't mind. I... I suppose it's important to keep in touch with your parents.
    I don't want you to believe that. I just want you to be happy. I shouldn't tell you how to be happy. Do whatever you like, really.
    N-nien! That's not it at all! I... I just think it's a good idea! Not that I would know though!
    I dunno... There's something about her that makes me think that she needs some time just with other girls... But... I... Don't want you to leave either...
    ...Maybe you should go home. With Frost.
    Ulqi's dad must think that all men are like Prussia, France, and Spain... Those three are called tha Bad Touch Trio for a reason...

    Hey, I wonder where Romano went...
    *buries face in hands*
    Oh god... Kaiba-san, why do you hire such idiots as Marik...
    I think it's called Germany's LEATHER PANTS~! or something like that.

    *hugs back*
    The important thing is that you're okay.
    Just saw this win video. All I will say is this:
    Let the insanity begin.

    Ah... Ulqi-san...
    You're welcome...

    *carefully pulls Ulqi off*
    I completed the like totally challenge with Poland once.

    *looks at screen on tox scanner or something like that*


    Um, you're not poisoned, Ulqi-san. Your wound was most likely just hurting because it's dirty. You should be fine if you wash it out and put a clean bandage on it.
    Russia, I didn't mean it. D:
    By the way, I have NO IDEA if this is medically accurate or not.

    *carefully holds Ulqi's arm*
    *begins tox scan*
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