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  • Well,
    since I'm on school break
    which I needed
    I'm supping good. I did nothing. Yet*.

    *irrelevant, ain't gonna do anything
    *pets your head*

    I have a question: Where'd you get 'meep' from?
    (I said 'Nya' in real life yesterday. I was super-embarrassed.)
    Nope, neither of them have shown up yet.
    what have you done
    you've created a monster

    I'm okay, I guess. Anything incredibly new in your life?
    Yep. You courrupted me, you son of a blee blob. Tho, I mostly watch to hear my Atemmy's voice.
    ...still feels taboo, though.
    ALSO. How are you?
    So, the forum exploded.
    Kaiba sounds like Brock from Pokemon.
    My next username will be 'Atem's Girlfriend'.
    I saw Yami Marik in the opening sequence of YGO the other day and almost peed myself.

    What's going on with you?
    Um, if you can give me your arm then...

    That sounded a bit awkward...
    Two more inane Zombie questions for Momento Mo-bricked.
    (Let's hope it doesn't die nobody's posted in two days).
    Can Zombies breath underwater? Some Zombies have it that way, like Max Brook's zombies, which are Perpetual Motion Monsters.

    And is their blood very contagious? Like if James killed one with an umbrella, held the umbrella so the blood from the zombie was on his hand, and then, scratched the inside of his mouth or something-would he get infected? Or is it just the bacteria in the mouth that do the infecting?
    ...I'll go get the machine.
    *walks off*

    Ulqi... I want you to know... I trust Japan's abilities. He took care of me, after D-Day... It really helped.
    I... I think I can make it smaller, so that we won't scan anything but your arm.

    It won't hurt, Ulqi. I promise.

    Und I'll be here the whole time. I promise.
    Have you ever had a CAT scan, Ulqi? It's a lot like that. The tox scan won't hurt at all.

    *pretends to be smarter than she is because she watches House every once in a while*
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