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  • (Canada)
    Don't worry about it, eh?
    *carries plates and pancakes to table*

    Wow. Those look good.
    Fun fact: Canada is actually really easy for me to write because I'm a lot like him in real life!

    Its alright. We all mess up sometimes, eh?
    O-oh, it's alright! It's not the one that America got me for my birthday, so it's okay!
    Actually, yes. You had perfect timing, eh?
    *puts pancakes on plate*
    Er, could you grab a few extra plates?
    Maybe he's a Pygmy polar bear~!

    A what?!

    It just means that you're a smaller variety. Kinda like toy dogs.
    I'm really not sure. I look like a polar bear, but if I was a polar bear, I'd be bigger, wouldn't I?

    *sits down*
    *walks in*
    *sets Kumajiro on table*
    *begins making pancakes*

    *walks in*
    I could say the same thing~

    *turns around*
    Okay guys, we're here.
    No. "-pop" is made up. Richie has a weird...thing about honorifics. Part of her backstory is, she used to use them all the time, but after pretty much getting all her friends killed at the paws of Bengal Beyal, she just started putting "y" and "ie" on the end of people's names.

    Also, what the heck does your user title mean?
    Lol. Although I do sometimes call people honey, but only little kids....

    But how are you?
    Alright! My house is just around the corner!
    *walks towards house*

    *follows Canadia*
    Well, I could now... That is, if you have time...

    ...I don't mind.

    They're really good. He puts maple syrup in the batter.
    Yeah, a lot... Sometimes I forget his name too, but I cook him pancakes.

    *whispers to Ulqi*
    I usually don't read people's minds, but it's not that easy right now... I've got my mind on other things...
    *speaks aloud again*
    Hey, I bet those pancakes are good.
    Well, he's alright...
    Crap! Did I say that out loud?!
    I-I didn't say anything! Really!

    *worried look*

    *pokes Canada*
    Who are you?

    I'm Canadia.
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