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  • (Frostagin)
    *phone rings*
    *blushes slightly*
    Look, I-I'm sorry and...
    *blushes a little deeper*
    O-Oh. Okay. N-No, don't touch that!
    Oh, really? Greaaat. Lock him out of my room, will ya?
    W-Well, I don't want the little jerk in my stuff! T-That's all!
    Great. Thanks.
    *hangs up*
    Bloody Sealand...
    Okaaaaaaay theeen.

    He's the Egyptian guy with the funny hair, right?
    I don't know. It's a pretty bad place to be a new country, being in between me and America... And I doubt England would let them be a part of France...

    Hey, Canadia, what did you mean about Quebec being stupid?

    Quebec is pretty much the only province that really uses a lot of French, and I mean A LOT. They've wanted their independence from poor Canada here for a while.
    Oui, he IS pretty weird... I remember I was pretty glad when I came into England's care, even if the food was different...
    ...He does bug me sometimes, seeing as it's partly HIS fault that Quebec is so mean...
    I grew up with England. He started out with France.

    Also, you...
    *points at America*
    ...started a war over your independence.

    I asked for it.
    Believe it or not, we're brothers. America's just a little older than me.

    Canada Day is the 1st of July, and Independence Day is the 4th. I know that cause I have a relative from Newfoundland.

    My uncle is actually Canadian.
    It's alright. It usually happens when America--

    The HERO!

    It usually happens when he's around.
    *points at America*
    Oh... I was playing clock solitaire, but America made Kumajiro jump and messed it up.
    Wait, rewind.
    America, you have Portal?!

    Yeah, so?q
    I think I'm letting my emotions get the better of me...
    Nope! Nothin at all!
    Okay then~!


    What the hell did you just say?
    Wheatley keeps killing me. I can't help it. >:I
    And Tony is somewhere in Hawaii right now, so he can't help me with it.

    You gotta make the platform thingy white, and then use that to portal where he can't see you. AND DON'T JUMP DOWN WHEN HE TELLS YOU TO.
    ...Did that even make sense?
    *randomly pops in door*
    Hey, bro! I was bored, and didn't want to play Portal, and so I randomly decided to stop by, and...
    Holy crap dude are you having a party?

    *stares at America*
    Man, he's... Wait, what? What the hell am I thinking? I am disgusted with my own brain.
    Should I make America randomly show up? I think I might~! XD

    *goes back to table*
    *picks up cards, and starts playing clock solitaire*
    Nah, it's fine. I'm just hoping America doesn't show up.
    God, I hate this...
    Crap, I'm saying things aloud again.
    I'm going to shut up now.
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