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  • (England)
    *looks at Sealand*
    You are in big trouble, mister.

    And what are you going to do? Not feed me scones?

    I'm hiding all the Doctor Who CDs for a week.

    What? Y-You can't do that!!

    I can, and I will.
    *goes and hides them*
    Frosty and England, sitting in a tree!

    That's just--
    Where the hell did you even learn that word?!
    *is still outside*
    Sealand, you shouldn't take a lady's things.

    You're only saying that because you're in looove with her!

    Am not!
    Oh god, Ulqi, I love England, and there's nothing I can do about it...
    And stupid heat...
    *flips over on her back*
    You don't have to leave. If you don't want to, I mean.
    I... I'd just feel guilty leaving again, but...
    *buries her face in her pillow*
    Oh Eragon, he's so goddamn hot...
    What the hell is going on over here?

    Crap... I feel bad running off again...
    *blinks at Ulqi*
    *walks into England's house*

    Well, what's she on about?
    I really dunno... I'm never really sure how long it lasts, either...

    What are you two talking about?

    *glares at Sealand*
    None of your beeswax, Peter.

    I'm just kidding. Jeez.
    *looks back to Sealand*
    You're still in trouble.
    *puts Sealand in judo pin*
    *takes diary*
    Thaank you.

    *starts reading diary*

    *runs out of blimp*
    *pounces on Sealand*
    Imma kill you.

    H-Holy crap! Where did you come from?!
    But oh Eragon, Ulqi, if Sealand does read it...
    Damn you, Sealand.
    Sealand's got my diary, and if he reads it and tells England what I'm thinking right now I'm dead, and It's really not a good idea for me to be a dragon right now, so we need to get to England's house five minutes ago.
    But that little rat...
    Sorry guys, gotta go.
    *rushes out of the house*
    It's not a good idea at be a dragon right now, I could hurt someone... That means begging Ulqi to take me back to England's house...
    *rushes into blimp*
    *phone rings*
    Oh, what now?
    *answers phone*
    He- What the hell?
    You stole Artie's phone?
    D-Don't you bloody read that!
    *starts shouting*
    Sealand, close the book now, or I'm flying over right now and dropping you back on your stupid ship!
    Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm just as good at magic as England? Your soul is dead, boy.
    Thank you. Now give Iggy-kun his phone back.
    *hangs up*
    Damn it, Sealand...
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