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  • (Germany)
    We could. Romano might not be too happy about it, though. He's always hated me for some reason.

    ~at Italy's house~

    Yep. It was the top of the list when i went under fan groups.

    *sigh of relief*
    Yes, it is Sweden. And yes, I love Hetalia (even though I just finished the 2nd this morning).
    Hell, maybe even draw a bit from the fight scene (which even though we had one, was the BEST scene I've ever RP'd in, btw). AND AFTER. What happened when their ordeal was over. AND ALWAYS THE SLOPPY MAKEOUTS.

    They shall live on.
    ;~; GUUUUUUUH-*Steals tissues*

    Actually, I might do some more art with them in it. Just for kicks and giggles. IT ISN'T OVER YET.
    Sure. Why not?

    *is downstairs playing Star Wars Battlefront online*
    Schliebe, America!
    I'm really not sure what to tell you at this point. I think this is one of those things you have to figure out on your own.
    And when you do... It's okay if you don't love me. Just so long as we can be friends. I'd be happy with that.
    Oh yeah, and I found out that name you picked for Rainn and Bakura's daughter means "pardon me". I found a translation site with a bunch of awards and stuff, because I know Google Translate is a dirty liar.
    Oh yeah, and speaking of "Nya! Richie Cordelia and Friends Return," which I had almost forgotten about...
    Behold my crappy internet drawing!
    Took me all day, which is annoying because it's so..crappy. I'm gonna work on more drawings.
    And this is for you. I'm addicted to linking.
    I wrote a spoof of a spoof with a title that makes no sense.
    "Brooklyn Rage~!" to "Joey Wheeler's a sexy b!tch".
    Just so you know, I'm not bugging you in regard to GHaBS because I assume that Atem would be the last to get up, given the option.
    I'm back... for the time being. I'll either be here, my site, here or on BG.

    Your choice where you decide to say hi, but I'll probably be on the xat chat 99% of the time.
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