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  • (Frostagin)
    It's just the heat. It'll be over soon, but it always peaks like this and then goes away all of a sudden. Every single freaking time I even look at Artie... >.<
    *starts eating pasta*
    Just don't look at him. Don't think about him, don't anything.
    *looks at England*
    I'm... I'm fine. Nothing has happened at all. Really.

    You do know that just makes people more suspicious, right?
    It didn't really look like a piece of vase... more like... I dunno...

    I couldn't really tell...
    *everyone is still eating pasta, I just don't want to type it all out*

    Hey Arthur-kun, I think something's in your hair.

    *pulls something out of hair*
    I don't think I want to know what this is.
    *throws it away*
    Could I have some as well?

    *hands England pasta*
    *hands Germany pasta*

    *eats pasta*

    *gives plate with pasta*
    *gives Frostagin plate with pasta*

    *starts eating pasta*
    Mm~! Molto bene~!
    *picks up the pillow*
    *shows Ulqi*
    There's a zipper here. I guess you just didn't notice it.
    Besides, I've been through worse. I'm not even bleeding.

    *drops pillow*
    You... might want to pick up your phone.
    *goes over to Italy*

    *drops pillow*
    *picks up phone*

    Ve~ Pasta for everybody~
    *sneaks up on England*
    *smacks England*

    *turns around*
    *smacks Frostagin*

    *smacks Ulqi*
    *throws pillow at Ulqi*

    *smacks Germany with pillow*

    *finds another pillow*
    *smacks England back*
    *grabs another pillow*
    *throws it at Frostagin*

    *pillow hits her in the face*
    *smacks England with it*

    Your American is showing.
    *picks up another pillow*
    *hits Frostagin in the face with it*
    This meant we're starting a pillow fight, right?

    Why would we do that?

    It would stop being boring in here.
    *drops iPhone*
    Well, that's just unnecessary!
    *throws pillow at Ulqi*


    *looks up*
    Hey look, now I don't have to throw that thing out.

    Pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta yay~
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