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  • (England)
    She's not the only one.

    *staring at England again*

    Frost. Not now.

    *resists temptation to kiss England*
    You...you want such a thing, too?
    I have a way that can be done! To help Trunks seperate from the Shadowbeast, (lol my auto correct said shadow bitch) our heroes will have to go into the Reverse World and fetch him, like with getting Rainn from the Shadow Realm in the Yami Marik saga. ....my plan is for Trunks to lose the next time the Shadowalbeast takes control of him, which will send him to the Reverse World.
    Once in there, it'd be perfectly possible for someone to leave without their second self, giving Rainny and Trunksie a chance to be themselves for once.

    ....I don't want to really permanently put an end to DQ, because too long and I will slip back into my old self -destructive habits. But a break, then maybe a time skip of a few months, and....
    well, ive got some saga ideas. :3
    I think we need to talk about Dragonball Quest.
    ...I was thinking, that eventually, we should end the roleplay that never ends. After Trunksie drives the Shadowbitch away in a crowning komel of awesome.
    Well, if you don't care if she hurts you... Don't know why I bothered to warn you...
    It's not her fault she's like this, you bloody git. And - this is for your own health, mind you - I wouldn't insult her again. She's pretty terrifying when she's mad.

    I win.
    *gets of off Bakura*

    That was a little unnecessary.
    Why you--

    Who the HELL do you think you are?!
    *grabs Bakura's collar*
    Nobody insults Arthur-kun like that.
    Well, I'm not going to call her mean just because she threw a vase at my head!

    I believe I should ask why you are friends with such a nice girl as Ulqi.

    *got bored and came up to the blimp*
    Oh shut the hell up, you.
    *glares at Bakura*
    *sighs deeply *
    ....*wonders why Kindle didn't think 'Deeply' was a word*
    ...So...One of the reasons I really like Litwick is its type. They really pulled off the Fire - Ghost thing without making a Burn Victim Zombie.
    Eh. I'm not too find of the B/W Pokémon, but Lampent and Litwick are awesome. :3
    My original favorite was Raichu, which pro'bly stemmed from my first Pokémon being a Pikachu.
    To name a few others, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Wartortle, POLIWHIRL, and Electabuzz.

    ....despite the over whelming amount of Kanto Pokémon I'm obssessed with, my favorite region is Johto. :/

    ....I gagged in real life when I read the word fromac.
    Rainn face time! ; ≈ ;
    *has just arrived*
    Ulqi, I...
    Wait, what?
    What the bloody hell are you doing here?!

    *is on her bed, brooding*
    *sits up*
    What the hell was that?!

    Relax, Frost, I'll go investigate.
    *runs inside blimp, looking for Ulqi*

    *swiftly following England, just in case*

    *knocks on Frost's door*
    Hey Frost, want to play a board game~?
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