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  • Yep, gonna' have a single panel the size of the whole page after that with Connor kicking the bastard's head with FIRE. And dropping Celest.

    *Hugs* I was thinking about trolls, too.

    In light of that, I've started preparations for something. Here you have it.
    So somebody posted in Masque... Pieces of our old posts. X3 I guess you just made an RP that cool. What to make of this, I wonder?

    Also, I know exactly when those posts were from. When they had a fire going, I believe, and Connor leaned on Cel, and she leaned away, he hit his head, she walked away, he crawled under a tent after her and GAAAAAAAAAAAAH I WANT IT BAAAAAACK. SEE WHAT YOU DID TO ME. ಠ_ಠ
    Well, you don't trip as much now, right? So that's a good thing.

    ~le meanwhile~


    Oh, fine. But nothing else.

    *kisses England*
    I don't think she's counted on the fact that I'm getting used to running again.
    *keeps his pace*
    Frost in heat is fun to write.
    I think I'm going to start pretending to be Frost in various places on TCoD.

    *speeds up the slightest bit, in order to catch up to Ulqi*
    It was supposed to be "You're not useless! Without you, I'd be dead! "
    It turned "dead " into "z". That's some 4Kids style censoring right there.

    .....oh hey I have a random question
    if rainny and bakura had a SON, what would they name him???
    *runs after Ulqi*

    Would you stop looking at me like that?

    No thanks.
    Yeah....so...while we're on the topic, got any ideas you wanna throw out for later?
    I have two : A spoof of the Frieza Saga involving a member of Frieza's race named Kuriza. Pretty much, I want Vegeta to beat the whit out of him, getting his confidence back.
    The second idea is Rainny and Vegety go on an awkward adventure to collect the Ressurection Tablets and revive Bulma.
    Extra one I just thought of : A ridiculous filler saga in which Trunks must complete a series of tasks to propose to Richie, because of weird traditions.
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