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  • Yep.

    But Arthur, I'm booo-

    That's no reason for you to act like Sherlock.
    It's pretty funny. I'm not obsessed with it though, like I am other shows. *coughHetaliacough* *coughSherlockcough* *coughSupernaturalcough*

    {Yeah, everyone's in England's house by now}

    *grabs a gun*

    *grabs Frostagin's gun*
    You're not shooting holes in my wall.

    But I'm boooooooored.

    *takes gun*
    XD Yeaaaaaaah, that is what happens when you let me watch Phineas and Ferb.

    She's dropping a certain white-haired person off somewhere in Egypt.
    ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshIthinkit'sfinallyover~! 8D

    Trust me, Italy... You don't want to know.

    Ve~ If Germany says so~!
    Nooooo! XD

    Was it really a good idea to leave her in that blimp with that bitch?

    Ve~! Ve~!
    *runs towards everyone*
    Heeeeeey... Where's Ulqi?

    Kaiba Evil Incorporated~! Get it? Cause... That makes Ulqi Perry.. And Italy Phin... Okay, never mind.
    That sounds good.
    *grabs Frostagin's hand*
    *drags her out of blimp*

    I should go too, Italy still isn't really that comfortable around England...
    *follows Frostagin and England off blimp*

    *looks at Ulqi*
    Thank you, Ulqi.


    Will you shut up if I promise you something?

    But whaaaat do you promise?


    Okay. :3
    ...Alright. Just...
    Don't leave him anywhere in the UK please.

    I wanted to duck tape his mouth!

    England really hates Bakura, doesn't he.

    Tape his mouth closed. Then I won't hurt him.

    Your solutions are strange.
    How about we just drop him off somewhere.
    In France.

    *looks at Frostagin confusedly*

    We should probably go back before Italy freaks out...
    I kind of wish I had a magical Britannia Angel who can read my mind to calm me down when I get angry.
    Which only really happens in my head when I'm hungry.

    I hope I didn't make her feel bad...
    *worried look*
    She should learn to relax... But if I told her that, it would make me a hypocrite...
    I bet she has no idea where she's going... But I won't bother her about it.
    It'd be nice if this blimp actually had a landmark.
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