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  • Yeah, apparently Germany worries about this kinda stuff.

    Maybe we could call Marik or something... But I don't want Ulqi to think I'm not confident in her...
    *follows Ulqi*

    ~le meanwhile~

    *pulls away from Frost*
    Those guys have been gone for a while... I wonder if they're okay...
    Hmm... I've never been in this section of the blimp before.
    Not that I've even been on this blimp that much...
    Epic winness.

    *starts walking again*
    Ja, that'd be a good idea.

    *still kissing England, apparently*
    By the way, go on YouTube and look up 'Marik plays Portal'. It is made of pure win.

    *is getting used to this kind of thing by now and hugs back*
    I kind of doubt I would lose it. Prussia, on the other hand... He's good at cleaning but never does it to his own room.
    Kay, so the music I've been in the mood for lately hasn't been very... Battle-oriented. Thus I have ended up with this instead. 8D Connor's brother (I have decided his name is Ben) is all like, "Why the hell are we taking pictures" and they don't even seem to notice him or the camera.
    Maaaybe. Although I'd rather do some of our heroes' adult lives...Oh yeah, and a saga where Rainn helps Vegeta collect five mystical items called "the ressurection tablets" to revive Bulma.
    I want Rainny and Bulma to meet for whatever reason.
    also, gotta go to the store soon, so i'll dissapear.
    EDIT: Backness!
    Well....I never really said I wanted to be done with it. I just wanted a break of a few weeks. :/
    *le dragonball quest poke*
    Also...When I said we should end it, you seemed sad. If you don't wanna end it...

    BTW, so should her hair be, like, reversed afterwards, where it's mostly light with a dark streak, since you said that one thing that one time about that or something?
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