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  • (Germany)
    Seriously, are you alright?

    ~Meanwhile, yet again~


    *begins drinking tea slowly*
    *follows Ulqi*

    ~Le Meanwhile~

    *has put clothes on*
    Oww, my head...

    I'll go make some tea. Earl Grey with milk, right?

    *smiles a little wider*

    ~Meanwhile, da?~

    *pokes England*
    Artie-kun, are you alright?

    What the hell happened last night? I mean, after Ulqi and Germany went out stargazing?

    You don't remember...?
    Whatever. Let's get dressed.

    Ja, France is too scared of me to do that.

    ~Meanwhile, aru~

    *opens eyes*
    Wait, what?

    *wakes up slowly*
    Ja... I don't even know why. He just... shows up.

    ~Ve, Meanwhile~

    *wakes up*
    Oh god hangover hangover hangover ahhhh
    It hates me too. Every single bloody time I get on... I'm going to get Belarus to go after it or something if it doesn't behave.

    *inches away slowly*
    Eh. It's kind of nice not having Italy spontaneously appear next to me during the night.
    Hey, not to be pernickity, but Momento Mori is a day or two late. I don't mean to rush, but I really don't want this cool thing to die.
    Ja, I am kind of tired.
    I'm sure we can find our way better in the morning.
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