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  • (Italy)

    *sets England on couch*
    *runs off to kitchen*
    *brings England glass of water*
    *goes back*
    *brings Italy bowl of cereal*
    *stops, panting*
    *doesn't move*

    He drank too much.
    *stumbles into room*
    Frooost, my hangover won't go away....
    *puts head on Frostagin's shoulder*

    Awww... Why don't you go get a drink of water...
    Hehehehe... >:3C

    Here. I also brought some ointment.
    Holy crap, that looks terrible! Eragon, I hope it isn't infected...
    Cool, cool. You know, since zombies wouldn't be intelligent enough to use seatbelts, wouldn't anyone infected in a car become a trapped zom? We'd have to be super-careful around cars. :D

    But nevermind. I know I'm probably being a nuisance, but one more question:

    Decay rates. Do they decay at all, do they decay much slower (as in the disease makes them immune to most bacterium, so it can take practically any time you like), or do they decay at the normal rate? Just planning this stuff all in my head, and this'll be the last thing.
    I was being all referential and memetic. Ignore me :D

    I was just saying that without any rules on exactly what sort of capabilities the zombies have got and what their limitations are, people in the RP could make it up as they go along. Which would most likely be horrible.

    As to what they can do, I mean...do they spread their infection? How? Do they mind if you hack their arms off? Are they any stronger than normal humans? What brain functioning do they have, (can they climb ladders, use door handles, hold stones to use at weapon, complete a game of Suduko). Those kind of things.
    Oh it was fine. Just fiiiiine.
    *stops smiling*
    But Arthur-kun didn't remember any of it.
    Well, he doesn't need to worry about rhyming!

    *opens door*
    Oh, hi. Come on in.

    *is still in bed*
    Coolio :D

    And hey, this is a question I have: What are the zombies like? Are we going to be getting like a sheet of zombie 'Terms and Conditions' as to what they can do and such? Not that there's any mad crazy work-your-fingers-to-the-bone-typing rush on this, but it's some info that we might need to know before we all chip in our ideas and our zombies become blood-crazed auto-whiskers or something.
    Ever and I are talking about China rapping. I'M LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW

    We're not that far away.
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