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  • (Frostagin)
    ...That's a good idea. You should get off.
    *lays down on her belly to let Ulqi off*
    *enters her house, unaware that she is being followed*

    ...How do we get in? I bet she locked the door...
    *takes off*
    Well, that went better than expected.
    Hey, I see her.
    *flies almost right above Belarus*
    Well, at least wrap this around your arm.
    *pulls piece of fabric out of backpack*
    ... Hey, I have an idea... We can follow Belarus faster by air.
    I can heal that for you...

    She's going to get ahold of some of England's rum later kesesese
    Oh look. An extra knife.
    *atempts to stab Ulqi*

    *grabs Belarus' arm*

    *arm is deflected*
    *manages to stab Ulqi in the arm instead*
    *runs off*

    Ulqi! Are you alright?
    I'm going to kill that bitch later...
    Well, Frost could heal her, but then she'd be out of it for a while because it's kind of hard to heal a stab wound.

    ...Why do I want Frost to end up drunk ahhhhh

    *jumps on Ulqi*
    I may not have my knife, but I can still kill you with my bare hands!

    That's it.
    *eyes flash*
    We're going to need help! I'm calling England!
    *calls England*


    Alright, we're on our way!
    *Hangs up*
    Guys, Belarus took Italy!

    He doesn't stand a chance!

    We have to go!

    Alright! Everyone stand VERY STILL!


    Дзярмо! They're on to me!
    Neither did I.

    My sister is crazy.

    Someone call Romano!
    Oh, yeah!
    Russia, have you seen Italy?

    Nyet, I wish I could help you... Italy is a cute kid, da?

    *runs off*

    ...I think we have our culprit...
    *pulls knife out of Belarus' hand*
    This is mine now.
    *walks away*

    Frost and I are much the same. In real life I wouldn't hurt anyone except in self-defense, but Frost's dragon nature takes over a lot.
    I'm glad she's friends with Ulqi, otherwise all the mean people in the world would be dead. :P
    No worries. I'll get your friend first.

    Frost, you don't know what you're getting into-

    I'm fine, Russia.

    *tries to slash Frost with her knife*

    *grabs Belarus' arm*
    Is that seriously the best you can do?
    *stands up*
    ...Thank you, Ulqi.

    *pulls knife out of dress somewhere*

    *glares at Belarus*
    If you lay one finger on her, I swear I will kill you.

    I'd like to see you try.


    Not until you promise to marry me...

    *tries to step in*
    C-can't you see that you're making him unhappy? If you really love him, maybe you should get off of him...

    He won't listen to me otherwise.
    Hey, are you in love with him? Because then I'd have to kill you...

    N-no, I have a boyfriend, thankyouverymuch...
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