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  • Okay, I will. ...The sad thing is, that'll pro'bly be months. ; ;
    I need a cookie
    And a hug
    And a laptop.
    Urm....Things are still a little dangerous....If you really want to chuck one at me, Fish Jumpers would be alright.
    *Eats plushie's hair and rubs it's abs*
    ; ;
    And I had so much planned for Dragonball Quest, too...Sigh.
    Oooooh, sounds great. And he can be all like, "You're supposed to be the fighting carnie, you weak little girl you're just a weakling and your fire friend is weak blahblahblah" and then he'll break a certain arm, and Connor will be like, "ah mah gawd" and Celest will be like "ah mah gawd" and it'll be great fun.
    X3 So is he just gonna' be all like, "you are not the only carnies blahblah I am the carnie of blahblahblah you must be tested now blahblahblah" *ASSKICKING*
    So... The one that Annie apparently met in her form for her writing demonstration? The midget?
    Ulqiiiiiiiii D:

    I wanna kick some Carnie ass! And for Connor to break his arm just because. Can we just meet one of them? Just one? Pwease?
    ...I didn't go anywhere when Japan got off the blimp. I've been reading this book that some British guy wrote. I got it out of Frost's bag.

    ... I want that back, you know. You can't have my Hitchhiker's.
    Apparently Japan just talked to Chain and he agreed to help us find Ita-chan. I've heard he's a pretty agreeable guy.

    *is reading book in corner*
    *goes in blimp*
    *phone rings*
    Oh, hi.
    Well, that's good. China's a big place though.
    *hangs up*
    Well, we don't have to worry about China.
    *calls England*
    Um, turns out Italy's in China instead.
    *hangs up*
    Um, Japan's going to call China and ask about Ita-chan.
    Can you call the blimp? I'm a little dizzy and I don't think it would be a good idea to turn into a dragon for a while.
    Y-You read my mind!!

    I can do that if I have to. I don't like it though, people deserve their privacy.
    Now tell me, What did you do with Italy?!

    I-I had him... I wasn't going to hurt him, he's too cute... But he got scared of me and ran off... I think he ended up in China...

    *lets Belarus go*
    *transforms back to human*
    *pulls out wallet*
    *gives Belarus some money*
    This should be enough to cover the cost of your door. Sorry it isn't in rubles.
    *grabs Belarus, but not too tightly*
    *pins her to the ground*
    Where's Italy?

    I-I don't have him!!


    Ahh crap I can't let them know... This dragon would kill me...

    Let us know what?
    *breaks door down and makes a hole she could fit in*
    *pokes head in*

    *jumps back*
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