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  • (Frostagin)
    Sure. I think only Japan was going to China.

    Ve~ I'm going to call Germany~

    What is it with you and that potato bastard?

    Rooomanoooo! That's ruuuuude!
    *goes inside blimp which is conveniently in the same spot*

    *stares at China*
    Well, I'd like to come, but I'm too busy wrapping drunken crabs-aru. But don't misunderstand. I'm not feeling sad or regretful at all.

    ........China, you're weird.

    Feli, do me a favor... And get the hell off of me!

    Ay~ah! That was easy~!

    *pulls out previously mentioned Easy button*

    {That was easy}

    *puts Easy button back*
    Ulqi, I'm scared! D: I don't know how to post! I can't just focus on our midget-friend, because of Chief's post messing with me in fifteen and a half different ways!
    Question, do I outright kill this guy, or just wail on him for a bit, then let him lay there KO'd?
    Well, if you were using Firefox then I would have recommended that you download something called 'Lazarus', which autosaves what you type and stores it in a database. If a post gets eaten by the server guards, all you have to do is right-click and click the saved data and it remakes your post for you.
    Sure! Japan called and he told me about all this, but I haven't been looking for very long, aru. But-

    (No point in hiding it. It's Italy.)
    *jumps on Romano*
    Ve~! Romanoooo~!


    *falls over*
    Nonononono, see because she's going to have something click in her brain very soon, and then she'll be a little... Sadistic. And slightly evil. Possibly insane. Until the problem is dealt with.
    (China, lol)
    Oh! Nihao, I am China, aru! So, you are helping Romano look for Italy?

    Why are you always poking me, damn it.

    So, have you seen him?

    No, though I do know that he likes pot stickers, aru. Not that that helps much.
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