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  • (Russia)
    Come on, I'll show you aroun--

    (mystery person)
    *pounces Russia*

    Be-Belarus... G-get off me p-please...

    *steps back slowly*
    It's nice to meet you. You remind me of Lithuania.

    ...Sooooo, can we come in?

    Crap, how do I familiarize with this guy?
    Er, my name's Frostagin.

    That's a nice name. It has frost in it, which is like snow. I like snow.
    But I wish sunflowers would grow in it...
    *looks at Ulqi*
    You will tell me your name, da?
    *whispers back*
    Don't worry about it. I'm here.
    *talks louder*
    Oh, you must be Russia. I had heard about you from England, and thought I might come over to visit. The weather sure is nice here.

    Oh, hello. Could you remove your blimp from my yard?

    *whispers to Ulqi*
    Can you do that? I wanna get on his good side.
    I've got it covered.
    *steps outside blimp*
    Now all we need to do is find...

    Tell me why you parked in my yard, da?

    *pulls Easy button out of bag*
    *presses it*

    {That was easy}
    Alrighty ^^ I hope they'll let you buy it. It's totally worth it~
    Who doesn't want to own a bit of awesome Prussia?
    Hehe awww, why? They don't appreciate animated history? Hehehe ^^
    I have all of the DVDs so if you ever need me to upload the dubbed for you just hit me up. :P

    It would be better to keep the party smaller, so I will stay with Igirisu-san and Doitsu-san.
    *walks out of blimp*

    You get the impression that Japan doesn't want to go to Russia?

    Kind of, but I don't blame him. People from the cold tend to have personalitys to match at times.


    I've been watching it on Netflix.

    They're baaaack~!
    *runs inside blimp*
    Guys, we think it's Russia!

    Have you been getting intel from America?
    It's cool. I've been spending my time watching Psych, so I don't mind.

    *skips into blimp*

    *walks into blimp*
    I hope so, otherwise this is going nowhere.

    She better have some leads.
    *crosses arms*


    Well, looks like our only other option is Russia.

    I'll call Lithuania and see if he knows anything.
    I hope you find him. I'm glad you liked the escargot!

    Okay, now can we leave?
    I wish I could help you, Ulqi.

    *Whispers to Japan*
    Okay, can we leave now?
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