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  • "TRUE! nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why WILL you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story."

    Oh my god, I might have nightmares of my own character if he goes on Poe all the time.
    ... How creepy would it be to be standing in a dark hallway, then hear Dink whispering a poem... Getting louder and louder... O~O

    *Crawls inside Ulqi's giant teddy bear for safety*
    X3 Dink would be all like, "Oh, dear, I seem to be contagious. Like chocolate frosting on pickles."
    Yes. 5 and half out of 7. Because blue is half of purple.

    And Dink... Yeah. I said he was a tiny little creeper. I meant it. Looks like a mini-Alucard. Almost made his eyes yellow or red.
    Well, Coroxn gave me a reference for Fletcher's hair. That's what it was. See?

    Also, Dink has purple-ish eyes, and Ogio has brown eyes (But he had glasses and I wanted to do the shiny thing).
    Not counting me and you. Francy-pants is actually kinda fun. :D

    And me and England will stay here! >:D

    Woah, we've only been together for a week!

    And what about me and Doitsu-san?
    Hey, a room full of people who don't like France!
    By the way, I have no idea where this is going. :D


    And he was here earlier today...


    ...Ja, I bet it was France.
    He's not picking up.

    ...Oh no!
    Where could he be?

    Russia could have taken him.

    ...Have you been hanging out with America?

    ...It's just a thought.
    Stop poking me.

    We should look for him!
    Hey, Romano, why didn't you call him?

    That's a good point.
    *calls Italy*

    This is Italy's older brother, Romano.

    You got that right, macho potato.

    Hey, didn't we start this whole thing looking for this guy, cause Ita-chan was worried about him?
    THE PLOT THICKENS. Man Romano is so fun to rp. :D

    I think he went ho-

    *bursts in*

    He didn't come home?

    What the hell.

    *gets off England*

    *stands up*
    Just because you haven't seen me in a week doesn't mean you can jump on me out of nowhere.
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