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  • This is closer to me in real life, by the way. I spit out random trivia.

    Yeah. I'm not sure where I heard that though. We'll just have to ask him sometime. >:D
    Hmm. Did you know that Germans started the tradition of Christmas trees? I have a sneaking feeling that it was Prussia's idea.
    Heh. I wonder if Ita-chan and Germany go to Japan's house for Christmas.
    *draws picture of Flying Mint Bunny*
    I'll just have to trust that he calls me, I forgot to put his phone number in my phone.
    *opens backpack*
    *pulls out drawing notepad and pencil*
    *starts doodling random things*
    Ulqi... I think I'm only going to stay until the end of this project, then I'm going to go live with England... I won't be able to stand any more... I'm not sure if I'll be able to stand however long this project takes... Away from Iggy-kun...
    That sounds like something America would do. By the way, if I'm right... I believe Kiku is Japan. He was on some pictures on Arthur-kun's phone.
    Yeah. I'm not looking forward to telling Kaiba-san that I'm not staying. And if I do stay...
    *sets her backpack next to the other bed*
    *is listening to Russia's character song*

    I won't disappoint you, Kaiba-san.
    *is only polite because Kaiba's her boss now*


    Are you alright, Kiku-san?

    Oh, sorry... Russians kind of freak me out...

    And for good reason. Stalin is probably one of the only people to ever live that scares me, even if he is dead.
    I'm going to go tell it that it must work or else Russia will attack it. Nobody messes with Russia.

    I'm smarter than I look. I also just happen to know a bunch of different languages. И я могу доказать это слишком.
    I told you it was a plot twist~

    *resists urge to glare at Kaiba*

    *turns towards Frost again*
    Hold on, you said you knew me?

    Yeah, I think my boyfriend had some pictures on his phone of you.

    But that means...! Igirisu-san?!
    K-Kaiba-san! You really should hire her! I'm sure she has great skill!
    (mystery person)
    Konnichiwa. My name is Kiku Honda.

    So THAT'S why I thought I recognised you! Haha~!
    (Mystery Person)
    Hmm. Ah, here she is. And someone else too...?
    *looks towards Frostagin*

    ... I've seen this guy before. In pictures on Arthur-kun's phone. Lemme think...
    Pfft. Odion. Wait, whozzat?
    *points to a mystery person talking to Kaiba*

    (mystery person)
    I feel bad for this girl. I wish you could have let her stay the full extent of her time.

    Yes. I can skip meals, it's not that big a deal for a dragon. Besides, I've always wanted to go to Japan.
    I'm a mercenary. Being hired for things is my job. It's just temporary, and it's my choice, so don't worry. Also, I put my phone number in Iggy-kun's phone, so he can call me if he wants.
    You said you boss needed help, right? I may be able to help. I'm a mercenary, and I'm pretty good with computers. And even if I don't get hired, I can still come with you on the blimp.
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