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  • Adventures in KC~! Starring Japan and Frostagin~!

    Well, here's the door with my name...

    Well, now we need to figure out where to get the key...


    Sure are a lot of rooms here...

    I'm sorry I can't help you any better...
    ...Oww... Why the hell would I be in your dreams... Ach...
    Come on Berlitz, let's go.
    *walks is some random direction*

    *Follows Prussia*
    Ruff! *runs off*

    He'll find it. He's always finding stuff for me and West. Awesome dog if ever there was one.

    *drops something shiny at Prussia's feet*
    Good boy!
    *scratches Berlitz behind the ears*
    Here you go. No need to thank someone as awesome as me.
    *hands Ulqi the key*
    *dog jumps on Prussia*
    Ah! Crap!
    Not now Berli... Hey, maybe you could help the awesome me, Berlitz! Why don't you go find Ulqi's key? Hmm?

    Hey, you're that girl that showed up at my place with Italy that one time! Need some help from the awesome me?
    Here we are...

    ...So now what do I do...?

    ...Well, Kaiba-san might have an office for you, so on second thought we should have gone there first to get your key...

    Let's see if there's a door with my name on it, then if there is we'll get the key.

    That's a good idea. I can see why Arthur-san like you, you're smart.

    Thank you.
    *starts looking*
    *walks in*
    Er..., Kiku? Could I have some help?

    Ah, I believe your department is this way.
    *begins walking*

    *follows Japan*
    Ohhh Japan I thought you were poliiite

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh crap.

    *reaches to pocket*
    Ah, hai. Kaiba-san wanted me today, though I'm not sure why. He may need more than one translator and I speak Greek quite well.
    *looks up*
    Ah, I think I see her.

    Ja-er, I mean Kiku-san! It's good to see you again!
    *looks at watch*
    Crap, 7:45... We better run...
    Ulqi, if you can hear me, I'm headed towards KaibaCorp!

    *bumps into Ulqi*
    A-ah, gomenasai! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to run into you!
    *puts on backpack*
    *pulls phone out of bag and stuffs it in her jeans pocket*
    Let's go.
    Mmm? Oh. Waiiiiiiit. CRAP.
    *fixes hair quickly*
    Rule number one of mercenary work: Never be late on your first day.
    *puts notebook and pencil back in bag*
    Ulqi, do I need my laptop?
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