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  • So I just watched the first episode.
    It's... been a while since I giggled that much.
    Thank you.
    Crap it didn't post. I am going to kill you server for making me accidentally close my browser when my post didn't go through. Bring in the Hapkido. >:(
    Also: Ooh high rever Emporeon. XD

    Okay, let's hurry up and pick up Germany so we can go to England.

    *closes DS*
    *stands up*
    Wow. Frostagin-san really is love with Igirisu-san.
    *leans over Japan*
    Ooh, high level Empoleon.
    *listens to Aerosmith tape*
    *hums along*
    XD He knows a lot about technology, he'll have an iPhone or something like that.

    Umm, we're going to Germany real quick, then England. I think.

    Konnichiwa, Marik-san.
    *sits down*
    *pulls out 3DS he apparently had in his pocket*
    *begins playing Platinum*
    *puts backpack on*
    *sings quietly*
    Lovin' you has got to be...Like a devil in the deep blue sea...

    Hai, it's good I already got my things.
    *phone buzzes*
    Ah, it's from Arthur-san...

    (Iggy's text)
    Japan, are you coming to my home?

    (Japan's reply)
    Yes, Arthur-san, I was able to get a ride.I will see you in a little while.
    I really own said tape. My mom made it and it has three albums. :D

    Do we just wait for him to show up?
    Arigato gozaimasu.

    *walks inside*
    *sticks her various objects, including a light blue DSi and a tape player containing Aerosmith, in her bag*
    *skips, following Ulqi*
    I'm exited too~!

    Er, excuse me, Frosty-san, Ulqi-san... Did I hear correctly that you were going to England?

    Yeah, why?

    Could I come with you? That is, if it's not too much trouble...
    Um... We should tell Germany to meet us over there or something.
    *thinks for a minute*
    Oh, we can pick him up. It's a fast blimp.
    Let's go get our stuff~!
    *phone rings*
    ...And why exactly didn't you call me until now?
    Well, I would have called you, but I forgot to grab your phone number.
    I'm a dragon, not an elephant. I forget things.
    Yeah, I'm coming back. Why the hell would I do otherwise?
    ...Punch him in the face for me, will ya?

    (Over the phone, really loud)
    Sacre bleu!

    I had no idea he could be that loud.
    Kay. Love you too.
    *hangs up*
    Haha~! Sì! Finito, finalmente! Wait, what? Why am I thinking in Italian? Aggh foreign relations.
    *turns in finished papers*
    Well, now I'm more fluent in Italian than I ever thought I'd be. I can practice with Ita-chan. I wonder if Ulqi's finished yet...
    I sure do~

    I'll probably have to be foreign relations or something. Not too bad, I traveled Europe in a day.
    *starts working on papers and things*
    *pockets key*
    I better get to work. See you later.
    *walks into office*
    *takes laptop out of backpack and sets up*
    What? Wait, you seem so happy... That means... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH YESSSSSS :D
    So where do I get my key?
    Y-Yes sir.
    I hope nothing happens to Ulqi...
    *turns around to her office*
    *secretly unlocks the door with magic*
    I'll get that damn key later.
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