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  • (Germany)
    ...I wish I could tell you what to do, Ulqi. But I have as much experience in these situations as a tree.


    *plays Golden Sun: Dark Dawn*
    Aggh! Stupid Djinni!

    *looks over Frost's shoulder*
    Ah, you want to use Whirlwind on the flowers.

    Whooa, that's new.


    Also, I forgot about Lirris going all I'm in control, I'll try to keep from forcing two part posts in the future. ._.;
    That I do, Ulqi. :3c She's just so damn ignorant. Maybe even innocent.

    And you and Cedrick argue like an old married couple. Speaking of why is Masque so dead?
    Ulqi... I won't feel bad if you don't feel the same. It's your choice.

    D: Japan is totally beating me up...

    That's what you get for sending a fire-type against a water type the same level.
    Bubbly bubbly bubbly

    I'm having so much fun saying "bubbly." What's more immature between "bubbly" and "Crotchkiss?"
    Yeah, I don't know what was up with haters or the reference. STILL. This bubble thing is an issue.
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