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  • I'm at the point where I've decided that Colours isn't going to be posting any time soon, so go ahead and post in the Soul Guard. Have fun, there.

    My DSi died. I dropped it in the mud a week ago. I think water got into it and even after a week buried in rice it won't turn on. Now I have to borrow my brother's whenever I want to play White or something.
    ...And it was a *EFF*ing Christmas present too. ;.;


    Damn, I'm bored...
    *pulls out DSi*
    Nyuu, it won't turn on! D:
    Ah... Well... I... used to be...
    Bud I'd given the videos to Prussia by World War Two, when Italy found them. He kept them well hidden after that.
    Maybe it's my fault that Prussia is such a pervert...
    I'm simply observing. It's good that Frostagin-san is so happy.
    *walks into the blimp*

    Oh, ja?
    Ja... I'll tell Prussia to come pick up Berlitz...

    Actually, that won't be necessary. The awesome me will take this dog off your hands, West! Auf Weiderschen!

    *follows Prussia happily*

    Yay~! England~!
    N-no! I-I didn't mean it like that! I-I just thought...

    Japan... You just epically failed.
    *hugs back*

    Okay, we found Germany, now let's get to England already!

    Frostagin-san! You're ruining their moment!
    Berlitz! Nien!

    *stops licking Ulqi*
    *looks up at Germany*
    *runs to him*

    Sie können nicht so grob auf den Menschen, in Ordnung?

    *presses invisible easy button*

    (Invisible easy button)
    That Was Easy.

    Ah, Doitsu-san!
    I thought that was right~! :D I think the pronunciation of Frostagin is pretty obvious, but in case it isn't, it's like the words "frost" and "again".

    Hmm... it's about noon now, so he would be having lunch. Perhaps at his house, as it is Sunday?

    *steps out of blimp*
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