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  • Me: ....... He might think you're a France wannabe. Which you're not. You're easily a hundred times as awesome as Francy Pants. France is a perrrrrv.

    Italy: Ve~ Big brother France is kinda weird~

    Me: That's an understatement...
    Italy: Ve~ He should be~ He might also be visiting big brother Spain~ You guess where he is~

    Me: Yeah, he's Ita-chan's brother. Marik-chan, you should stay out of it until we can convince him to trust you. He tends to trust girls. And not men.

    Italy:He even doesn't trust me sometimeees! He hates Germany! Wait, how do you know so much about my brother~?

    Me: I'm an obsessive fangirl! :D
    Me: It'll be awesome! Besides, if you guys don't like it, you can always drop me off!

    Italy: Ve~ Okaay!
    Me: I'm in if we can go to England afterwards!

    Italy: I'm in if we can find mi fratello, Romano! Wait, England?! Ve~! No way!

    Me: We'll take you to Romano first. Besides, he might know an influential Steve or two...

    Italy: Okaay~

    Me: That's a good Ita-chan.

    Italy: I'm a good doggy, huh?
    Feli: Welllllll, if you heard me, he's Australia so he'll be in Australia!

    Me: *freaking out*

    Feli: Siiiii, secret's out. Germany is going to kill me.....


    Italy: Siiiiii...



    Hold on... You said your name was Feliciano!

    Italy: But it iiis! Australia's human name is Steve, mine is Feliciano! You can still call me Feli if you want~!
    Me: D: I made Ulqi-chan sad. D:
    Feli: Oh! I think Australia's human name is Steve!
    Me: WHAAT!?
    Feli: Ooops...
    Me: :OOOOOOO
    Me: How about Steve Jobs? He's famous and called Steve!

    Feli: Ve~ I'll tell you if I think of any~
    Me: That's actually pretty smart. You know, except for the whole 'they have to be called Steve' part.
    Feli: I think you should arm your army with a whole bunch of white flaaaags!
    Me: Not even in real life! :D
    Feli: Me either! None of my names!
    Me: Whaat?
    Feli: N-nothing! I didn't say anything! S-seriously!
    Me: Okaaaaaaaaaay...
    And if she ends up not having fun on the wheel, and Connor says he's sorry, she can be all like, "It's too late to 'pologize!"

    It isn't Coldplay, but it's funny.
    Well, I have this wierd thing going now where the lady in the second one is Celest... Is that creepy or no? Well anyway, now that I think about it, the second one fits the "mood" of Masque better.
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